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Артем Хабибуллин: "I'm on schedule"

The third round of the championship of Russia ended in MVL, YUKIOR held games in his native Khanty-Mansiysk, with four wins in six matches. We asked to talk about past battles, tournament prospects and mood in the team of YUKIOR head coach Artem Khabibullin. “Initially we wanted to win all six matches., make a spurt in the style of Borzakovsky - it's time to overtake competitors. Started well, Read more »

Won the battle of characters

Gazprom: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Piun - Kurbatov, Makarenko - Katich, Dyakov/Nagaets Yenisei: Osipov - Yakovlev, Maximov - Brazhnyuk, Dmitriev - Skrimov, Yanutov The teams gave out bright in drama, thrilling match, a real battle of Siberian characters. The Surgut team prepared a surprise - a debutant appeared in the starting lineup and played the entire match, central blocker Dmitry Kurbatov (212 cm). That's why Read more »

Towards the sun

A trip to Krasnoyarsk for Gazprom-Ugra is a step into the unknown. That is, of course, understandably, with whom to play, but what exactly to expect on the site? Including from themselves. Let's start with ourselves. The game with Ural showed, what: Nikita Alekseev is fine; Double replacement is quite a working tool. Makes opponent's blockers twitch, Yes and Read more »

According to the classics

The eighth round starts briskly, right today, classic duel "Zenit-Kazan" with "Belgorod". I briefly touched on the topic of "el clasico" in Russian volleyball on the club telegram channel, therefore, here - only about the sports component. And the sports component of the show is very simple.: if the Belgorod team does not solve the problem of the second player, it will be difficult for them to count on something. Sam Deru is getting fit in Kazan, Read more »

Belated pursuit of the "Ural"

"Gazprom-Ugra": Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Ionov, Kabeshov/Nagaets "Ural": Cavannah - Rybakov, Feoktistov - Esfandiar, Gutsalyuk - Samoilenko, Shishkin Result, what is called, per game: Surgutians have been in the fight for a long time, then they caught up, demonstrating fighting qualities, and the guests as a whole played more smoothly and skillfully. The first set left an impression, that the owners simply forgot to wake up: Read more »

Recipe "Urala": mix, but don't shake

The upcoming match with Ural is a serious test for Gazprom-Ugra. Today it is far from the same "Ural", who took the place in the last championship right behind us. In fact, the team has doubled, recruiting in the off-season a new line-up of the main characters, while leaving the backbone of the "oldies". Now the Ufa players could play with two almost full-fledged sixes. We take veterans: bunch Roman Read more »

Round seven: still on reboot!

Pause, taken to the semi-finals of the Russian Cup, allowed the teams to adjust the playing tone, heal trauma and rethink what is happening. From the seventh round the championship takes a new start, where the games will get fiercer, as the price of wins increases as you move up the calendar grid. This is pure psychology and a bit of mathematics., no one will talk anymore: "that's all right, this is just the beginning and Read more »

Training Peter

Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Piun - Ionov, Katich - Makarenko, Kabeshov/Nagaets Zenith: Kobzar - Anderson, Yakutin - Tarasenko, Ursov - Tikhonov, Melkozerov Participation in the Cup of Russia 2022 of the year "Gazprom-Ugra" ended with a match meaningless for both rivals with the St. Petersburg "Zenith". Andrey Tolochko put up a backup team, mottled, but, famous and just familiar names: Matthew Anderson, Igor Read more »

cheered up

Surgut for the second time within a month beat ASK dry. The debut of the match did not imply such a final - the rivals were on a par, without letting go of each other, than one break ball. Gazprom-Ugra did not use a good chance to break away at the mark 10:8 - Nikita Alekseev did not convert the rebound, and then he stood up for the three-meter line, 10:10. Read more »

A lesson from Kazan

"Zenit-Kazan": Christensen - Mihailov, A.Volkov - Volvich, D. Volkov - Deru, Golubev "Gazprom-Ugra": Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Piun - Ionov, Makarenko - Katich, Kabeshov When even one of the best teams in the world rolls over you, it's always annoying. Even when the motivation is different: we wanted to see ours under pressure, and Kazan was preparing for tomorrow's super-principled duel with Read more »