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YUKIOR: Four home victories

On the eve of the 130th anniversary of volleyball (What are we categorically congratulations with all) в Сургуте завершились игры шестого тура регулярной части чемпионата России в Молодежной волейбольной лиге. ЮКИОР прошел через четыре матча с АСК-2 и «Зенит-УОР» без поражений, хотя во втором матче с казанцами был на грани. Доигравшись до тай-брейка, наши ребята отдали и старт укороченного сета, 3:7. Read more »

The hand trembled

The leaders of the season arrived in Surgut with a full -fledged second composition, Even without Alexei Verbov - his duties were performed by Vyacheslav Kurguzov. The game began with powerful Labinsky presentations - 0:3. Surgutians set off in pursuit: Vishnevetsky is good in defense, Papazov - In the attack, 4:5. Первая результативная атака за «Газпром-Югру» Костадинова, 6:7.

With all his might

After the victory over Kuzbass, Gazprom-Yugra is waiting for Zenit Kazan.. clear, that for the victory over the leader of the championship of one positive, the rivals are in different weight categories. But a couple of good rounds at home Surgutians can spend against any opponent. Представлять «Зенит-Казань» и сложно, и легко, если вместо длинного списка достижений сказать просто: многократный победитель и призер всего. Read more »

Yukior again at the Prime Minister Arena!

The geotex-young volleyball league returned to Surgut! FROM 4 by 8 On February, in the Hall of Premier Arena, our Yukior and Schhor Samotlor from Nizhnevartovsk will be played twice with the Nizhny Novgorod ASK-2 and Kazan Zenit-Uor. Сейчас ЮКИОР уверенно оккупировал вторую строчку турнирной таблицы чемпионата России в МВЛ, отставая от лидера, новосибирского СШОР «Локомотив», на одну победу и на две опережая идущее Read more »

Long awaited, Confident

The match began with the enchanting debut of the 17-year-old Surgut pupil Daniil Golovanov in the Super League-the first touch, the central block was designed by Ace, 2:0. Kirillov immediately lets the papazov, first grab the block, but then Vitaly is gaining momentum with three successful attacks, 7:5. Fedorov is changing on the front line of Golovanov, and Pakshin compares the score with a shortened feed, 7:7.

As unpredictable as possible

On the first day of February, Gazprom-Yugra will play at the Prime Minister Arena with Kemerovo Kuzbass. The game will be full of riddles. At first, Surgutians lost in the last two home matches, But they played differently: от почти идеального волейбола в первом сете против «Белогорья» до фиаско в завершающей партии с «Енисеем». Куда двинется эта кривая в матче с «Кузбассом», предсказать невозможно. Вроде бы ниже Read more »


Papazov did not "come" for the game, I also forgot my reception in the locker room Masko, Kurbatov did not appear due to injury. It was hard to count on victory with such introductory Surgutians, even despite the magnificent game of the Nagais and the exploits of Rodichev. meanwhile, гости давали хозяевам определенные шансы на успех.

Don't lose to yourself

"Yenisei" - strong, as they say, middle peasant, capable of winning, eg, capital "Dynamo". Recently, in the 21st round, Krasnoyarski beat Muscovites at their own beautiful style. Can, of course, to tell, that Dynamo sagged somewhat after the peak of the form, позволившего выиграть Кубок России перед Новым Годом. But, repeat, «Енисей» обыграл «Динамо» совершенно по делу, в очень чистый и высокоэффективный Read more »

Five wins in six matches

The games of the fifth round of the Russian Championship in the Youth Volleyball League ended in Novokuibyshevsk. This time, YUKIOR not only played twice with a pair of teams “Fakel” and “Nova-2”, but also tested his strength against his “partners” from the Samotlor Sports School. Начался тур с двух тяжелых побед на тай-брейках над «Новой-2» и «Факелом», закончился первый круг тура сухой победой над Read more »

Good game between unequal opponents

We already saw this in the last home match between Gazprom-Yugra and Lokomotiv - the Surgut team started the match perfectly, but then the opponent's class took its toll. Debut for Masko: Artem scored twice and scored an ace, 3:2. Continuing to feed into Zhang, доигровщик лишил Порошина доводки – 5:2. Александр Волков берет ранний тайм-аут, после которого на авансцену выходит Заболотников: removed, помогает закрыть атаку Родичева и выбивает эйс, 5:5.