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Anderson's Tale

Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Piun - Kirillov, Katich - Botin, Kabeshov/Vlaskov Zenit: Kobzar - Klyuka, Yakovlev - Yakutin, Anderson - Voronkov, Grebennikov Surgut team repeated the plot of the previous match in Kazan, having played on equal terms with a top opponent only the first half of the debut set. But the content of the matches differed., there were more positive moments in the reporting match, although the score is unlikely Read more »

Test by leaders, continuation

The calendar gave Gazprom-Ugra a formidable opponent in the final home game of the regular season: St. Petersburg "Zenith" came to us. The Surgut people would really benefit from a victory, but the opponent, with a recent defeat from the Nizhny Novgorod ASC, has driven himself into a corner - there is nowhere to retreat, Lokomotiv breathes in the back. So the guests from the northern capital came to Surgut to fight in earnest, don't shoot. G, you know, Read more »

29-first round: notes on the fly

The finish line is so fast, that the tours are practically "stuck together": no particular impression, but there is a certain general "smeared" picture. She, however, and more objective - several games in a row say more about the teams, than one game a week. Let's try to use the accumulated dynamics and draw a portrait of the 29th round. The intrigue is, what are the neighbors playing in the standings and Read more »

high class, but not with us

Zenit-Kazan: Christenson - Mikhailov, D. Volkov - Deru, A. Volkov - Kononov, Golubev Gazprom-Ugra: Ozhiganov - Shakhbanmirzaev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Kurbatov, Kabeshov The Surgut team started quite cheerfully and even took the lead after a productive attack by Kurbatov and his own ace, 2:1. But the hosts ate the backlog on Rajab's three mistakes in a row - pitching into the net and hitting Read more »

All pass through Kazan

It's our turn to play with the leader at his house. What can you say? Zenit-Kazan in great shape, with a beautiful bench and with thoughts of a championship. For now, for the hosts of the game - time to collect stones, that is, preparing for decisive matches through the remaining games of the preliminary part of the championship. Surely Alexey Verbov will try, if not all, the Read more »

28-first round: non-stop volleyball

The preliminary part of the championship with a swift jack rolls onto the finish line. It seemed, that there is no more intrigue, but she is! What the 28th round is preparing for us, unfolded in the middle of the working week? Here, perhaps, does not smell of intrigue. For "Kuzbass" it is still possible to move in the middle of the standings, so Kemerovo will play like an adult. And the "Builder" in an adult way can one set, Unfortunately. So Read more »

Tried to stop Lokomotiv

Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Bessogonov, Kabeshov/Nagaets Lokomotiv: Abaev - Kazachenkov, Perrin - Kurbanov, Lyzik-Chereisky, Martynyuk The hosts started the meeting quite cheerfully, biting off the opponent's break after break: 2:1, 5:3, 9:6, 12:7... The feed to Kurbanov worked, on high balls, Lokomotiv's attacks were softened by a block and returned through Alekseev and Makarenko. 12-it is Read more »

On the way to Lokomotiv

Will Gazprom-Ugra be able to stop Lokomotiv?? The task is not easy: Novosibirsk, experienced for a long time noticeable problems due to the serial replenishment of the club infirmary, now gained health and scored a good move. There are still no two main players at the base, Sergei Savin and Alexei Rodichev, but an old acquaintance, John Gordon Perrin, was discharged to help, played for Lokomotiv in the past Read more »

27-first round: easy breathing playoffs

On the 27th round continues to accelerate to the finish line of the preliminary part of the championship. Volleyball in the spring is interesting, teams are either already reaching their maximum, or start to it with the expectation of the playoffs. The game is live, a lot of fire, there are various attendant circumstances - in general, the heat is slowly coming on. The hosts are noticeably more experienced and their motivation is higher. All, what can Read more »

The champion is stronger

Dynamo» (Moscow): Pankov - Shkulyavichus, Podlesnykh - Bogdan, Vlasov - Belogortsev, Kerminen Gazprom-Ugra: Kirillov - Shahbanmirzaev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Bessogonov, Nagaets Surgutians entered the game in a more experimental line-up, than Muscovites. If Dynamo, by and large, only one base player was absent - Sokolov (Semyshev and Bogdan are interchangeable), then we didn't have Read more »