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The Russian team qualified for the Tokyo Olympics on the first try, passing through the line of applicants from Mexico, Cuba and Iran. If the conversation was stubborn in places with the first two, but short, then everyone was waiting for a rendezvous with Iran with slight bated breath. Responsibility, seem to be, crushed our guys, but they managed to cope with the excitement and did not flinch in Read more »

SURGUT no claims against Petersburg "Zenith"

On Belgorod online resource material came bel.ru, dedicated to the transition of a communication from the Roman Poroshina "Belogoriya" in the "Zenith" (St. Petersburg). In him, in particular, mentioned transfer Evgenia Andreeva of "Gazprom-Ugra" in the St. Petersburg club in the context of, unfaithful. In particular, it says: "This situation not only Poroshin. In the "Zenith" Filippov also switched from "Ural", Andreev from Surgut, in Read more »

HOLD, Belgorod!

When preparing for an epic in every sense of the World Cup in Russia, arose, as usual, some fuss about determining the immediate venues. What Russian city does not like to host the Mundial! When the sacred list was formed, many with bewilderment did not find Krasnodar in it. Cities of the southern, football, with the ambitious Galician, developed fan culture Read more »


Volleyball club "Gazprom-Ugra" was officially released from vacation - on Monday passed the first team meeting. The boys gathered on the platform "Premier Arena", where on wednesday, after passing medical examination, the first training session of the renewed team will take place. In the meantime, everyone was attentively listening to the head coach Yuriy Melnychuk: "I want, so that in the new season each of you take a step forward for yourself, then all together, Read more »


VC Gazprom-Yugra (YUKIOR, youth team) Declares a set of Boys 2002-03-04 year of birth. In the questionnaire indicate: Full name date of birth city name and last name. coach growth, weight jump to a mark long jump from a place sports category video from a game or training by elements. (innings, reception, attack, block). SEND THE QUESTIONNAIRE BY E-MAIL: e-mail: 1minuta3@mail.ru


Surgut youth as part of the students of the volleyball department of the Ugra Boarding College of the Olympic Reserve, players of the MVL team "Zvezda Ugra", for almost a month now, with great benefit and pleasure, they have been spending time at the training camp on the Black Sea coast, in the village of Olginka, Krasnodar Territory. Boarding house "Shakhtinsky textile worker", where Gazprom-Ugra reservists are based, has all the necessary infrastructure for full-fledged training and recreation, to Read more »


Against the background of the success of the national team in the League of Nations, the "achievements" of our reserve teams do not look so optimistic. And if "bronze" at the student Universiade - even though a step back, but still medal, then in youth and youth volleyball, we completely fell out of the line of winners. And the further, the deeper - the U-21 team finished the championship Read more »


While silence is on the volleyball air - the team is preparing for the Olympic selection, and the clubs are just starting to come out of vacation - it's time to fill the gap. Why don't we talk, eg, about the legionnaires of the Superleague of the coming season? For the most part they are signed and the picture is clear on 80 percent. First, what catches the eye - at the top seven clubs Read more »


For the first time in its history, the Russian team won the trophy twice in a row, and both times in the final we beat the hosts. Comparisons and analogies suggest themselves: we went through both Leagues of Nations with a new head coach and a serious rotation of the squad. Now they talk a lot about the atmosphere in the national team, but even a year ago the players unanimously argued, what Read more »


An anniversary celebration started in Naples, Italy, XXX Summer Universiade. The Russian student volleyball team traditionally claims the highest places - out of the last five attempts, four turned out to be “gold” for us, the failure occurred only two years ago in Taipei, where we lost to Iran in the final. obviously, that the task of the current team is to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. However, the same Iranians Read more »