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The closest so-called long weekend (from 15 by 17 November) will be busy with the semi-finals of the Cup of Russia. Let us briefly recall the formula: 12 commands, divided into three subgroups, three finalists of the tournament will be revealed, which at the end of December will join the capital's Dynamo and determine the owner of the honorary trophy. Our group as part of Gazprom-Yugra, "Torches", St. Petersburg "Zenith" and "Yenisey" will meet in Novy Read more »

After five rounds

The championship in the Super League Parimatch exhaled in its rapid-fire schedule with the first short pause, related to the semi-finals of the Russian Cup. Five rounds, as they say, - not a reason for dating, especially since not all teams played even five games. On the other hand, taking into account the truncated format, behind us - almost a quarter of the way. Draw far-reaching conclusions Read more »

a valid name!

We all know online edition sport.business-gazeta.ru , чей волейбольный раздел пользуется заслуженной популярностью у болельщиков. Редакционная политика этого ресурса предусматривает возможность оставлять комментарии к публикациям без предварительной регистрации, which opens up a wide field of activity for individual unscrupulous citizens. In particular, an unknown character took the trouble to post comments, Artem Rafaelevich Khabibullin. Volleyball club "Gazprom-Ugra" Read more »

Strong-willed victory in the UFA!

In the announcement, I spoke to the match, that this game will show the level of our claims, willingness to fight. Well then, seem to be, the character of the team has. A little lacking resource in the fourth zone, and something on trifles, but in general, our boy grew. While impressions are fresh, note, that this victory is a symbiosis of character and control, discipline. It is the case, Read more »


If a match with the "New" was to "Gazprom-Ugra" important, then the meeting in Ufa with Ural will become a landmark. The thing is, that "Ural" for our team is a kind of litmus test of tournament claims, measure of command potential. Our rivals in history had periods of take-off - championship silver, eg; there were also falls with a departure from the Superleague and instant activation Read more »

THEODORE Teodor Salparov RETURNS Surgut

Teodor Teodor Salparov - player of our team! The club confirms the transition of the Bulgarian libero to the Surgut team. Theodore's rich career began at CSKA Sofia. IN 2004 year he moved to the Moscow "Ray", and spent the next season as part of Gazprom-Ugra, after which he played for a year in Dynamo Moscow. Then Salparov returned twice more to his native CSKA, отлучаясь в турецкий «Галатасарай» Read more »


«Газпром-Югра» и «Нова» подготовили в дебюте встречи друг для друга сюрпризы. Волжане выставили в доигровке Захарова и Соколова, а у хозяев Музай получил первый пас лишь к середине сета. Ход «Новы» с незнакомцами в доигровке не сработал, а вот польский диагональный свою порцию пасов получил и реализовал свой потенциал на 58 percent. Активно помогал поляку Read more »


В среду «Газпром-Югра» сыграет самый важный на данном этапе матч Суперлиги Париматч. Just because, что его надо выигрывать. Поражение от «Белогорья» спишем на стартовые неурядицы. Питерский «Зенит» в гостях и московское «Динамо» дома – это, anyway, были встречи с фаворитами. В среду же необходимо брать очки, а также записывать бонусы в психологическую карту. Read more »


Surgut hosted one of the first four rounds of the Russian Championship in the Youth Volleyball League with the participation of the local "Stars of Yugra", Surgut hosted one of the first four rounds of the Russian Championship in the Youth Volleyball League with the participation of the local "Stars of Yugra", "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR". "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR": "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR", "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR", "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR", "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor and Kazan "Zenit-UOR". Four victories were recorded by Dynamo-LO-2, Four victories were recorded by Dynamo-LO-2 Read more »


In the first home match of "Gazprom-Ugra" look even better, than Peter, imposing equal fight very formidable capital Dynamo. Won the first game in the championship, there is an equal ending, но нет пока решающего преимущества. That case, когда расстраиваться точно не стоит – соперник был объективно сильнее, what is called, на «бумаге», и оказался чуть сильнее в реальности. In the debut Read more »