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Skvortsov with silver

Ivan Skvortsov, a graduate of the Gazprom-Yugra club system, returns to Surgut with a silver medal at the U17 European Championship. Our young volleyball players lost in the final to the Slovenian national team, which was beaten in the group stage. A little offensive, but Ivan is just beginning! He had a very worthy tournament, was one of the leaders of the Russian national team and rightfully got into the symbolic team of Euro 2021. Read more »

Gazprom-Yugra ran the first crosses

Our club is out of vacation. The team has already completed the first of five retraction cycles (three working days + output), in which the focus will be on general physical fitness. All work is concentrated in Surgut, good for this, the municipality has created all the conditions: the guys are happy to train at the athletics stadium, swim in the new 50-meter pool, start to enter teraflex Read more »

Three Olympians for the Motherland

Preparing a participant in the Olympic Games is the dream of any coach, goal for any club, pride of any region. Surgut, "Gazprom-Ugra", Rafael Khabibullin commemorates three of their Olympians on the eve of the Tokyo Olympics. Stanislav Dineykin Stas has never played for Gazprom-Ugra, but in the column "first coach" he has "Rafael Khabibullin". And this is not a formality - Rafael Talgatovich literally Read more »

Tokyo only, only hardcore

Thomas Sammelvuo decided on the Olympic squad on the application flag. The difficulty was, that volleyball has been played for a long time with an application from 14 human, but the IOC is doing its best to reduce the number of participants in the Games, cutting out wherever possible. You can play volleyball - and the same people go to Tokyo 12 human, as for the Games, when Read more »

Warm up before Tokyo

The League of Nations, held in a bubble without spectators, is a training tournament before the Olympics, where the result is not that important? Or the League of Nations is a respected, powerful competition with a solid prize pool, which teams are fighting for, not sparing my belly? True, normally, somewhere in the middle: training tournament for weighty interest. Therefore, you should not sprinkle ashes on your head Read more »

Reliable support and a charge of optimism. Igor Alekseevich Ivanov - 65!

Today one of the few people celebrates the anniversary, without which Gazprom-Ugra would not have taken place - Igor Alekseevich Ivanov. There are really few like him, but many of those, who can repeat after us - without Ivanov they would not have taken place. This is the people, and organization, and projects. The biography of Igor Alekseevich is well known - behind the back is the legendary Leningrad Polytechnic, all Read more »

Ясавееву - 70!

26 May anniversary - 70 years old - noted by the outstanding Surgut resident, a born leader and a person with a capital letter Khamit Nurmukhametovich Yasaveev. Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry, State Prize Laureate, Director of the Gas Condensate Stabilization Plant at PO Surgutgazprom ... His positions, titles and merits can be listed for a long time. Much more important to know, what kind of people, like the Yasaveevs - a huge rarity. IN Read more »

Rafael Habibullin: "We will broadcast goodness"

It's almost summer, and we just had a traditional conversation with the head coach of Gazprom-Ugra Rafael Khabibullin, dedicated to the end of the season. Do not believe, but there are a lot of things to do in the offseason, especially if you are not only the head coach, but also the CEO, and manager, and the manager of the sports complex, etc. – Rafael Talgatovich, your main impressions are here and now? Our governor Read more »

Olympic skylight

We look at the application of the Russian national team for the League of Nations and see, how the application for the Olympics shines through it. Now on the shortlist 15 surnames plus injured Ivan Yakovlev, will go to Tokyo 12 people - the IOC in every possible way limits the number of Olympians, they do not fit into the framework of the most prestigious competition on the planet. So compromises are inevitable. Thank God, we Read more »