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Posts tagged with: pari

Thanks for the game!

Belogorie: Kolodinsky - Al-Khachdadi, Tetyukhin - Galimov, Zabolotnikov - Chervyakov, Krotkov Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Shakhbanmirzaev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Kurbatov, Nagaets / Kabeshov The dry score for the parties does not at all reflect an equal struggle on the court. In each of the sets, the Surgut team were practically in no way inferior to the opponent, losing in offensive trifles. From the first draws the swing went, when Read more »

Aftertaste and anticipation

Such "Gazprom-Yugra", how we saw him in the first play-off with Belogorye, sure, everyone liked. The team was on fire on the site in the best sense of the word, fought, just like real men. The opponent is a priori stronger - so what? That case, when defeat doesn't matter, because there was a GAME on the court. returning to Read more »

Erase the smiles of Belgorod residents

Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Kurbatov, Kabeshov/Nagaets Belogorye: Kolodinsky - Al-Khachdadi, Tetyukhin - Galimov, Zabolotnikov - Chervyakov, Bragin/Krotkov Before the start of the match in the camp of "Belogorye" high spirits reigned: everyone was smiling, including head coach Sergei Brusentsev. with large differences in different elements, that the team arrived at the resort - but Surgut has never been a resort, what are the guests Read more »

Takeoff or departure

waited! Spring and playoffs are almost synonymous, who have not met together in the Super League for a long time. The last playoff was played, it seems, in 2019, when "Kuzbass" sensationally defeated Kazan "Zenith" in the final. The next year, the knockout games were stopped by the pandemic, and just now - hello again! Let's start with the qualifying round, truncated version 1/8 finale, wherein Read more »

Cones from Sosnovy Bor

Dinamo-LO: Jovovich-Murashko, Biryukov-Ivovich, Kolenkovsky-Melnikov, Vishnevetsky Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov-Alekseev, Makarenko-Katic, Piun-Bessogonov, Kabeshov-Nagaets After the defeat of Neftyanik in Novosibirsk the day before, 12th place and a ticket to the qualifying round of the playoffs were in the pocket of Surgut even before the start of the match. The game itself in Sosnovy Bor left mixed impressions.. One side, again, the abundance of his own marriage did not allow him to impose a tighter game Read more »

30-first round: finish line

Well, the whole volleyball caravan has reached the finish line of the regular season. Someone cheerful and cheerful, someone in an attempt to make the final throw, someone just arrives. Questions, by and large, not left, except that Neftyanik will make an attempt to jump into the playoffs in Novosibirsk. we, Unfortunately, they themselves gave him such a chance ... Usually the calendar of the last round is made up like this, Read more »

Anderson's Tale

Gazprom-Yugra: Ozhiganov - Alekseev, Piun - Kirillov, Katich - Botin, Kabeshov/Vlaskov Zenit: Kobzar - Klyuka, Yakovlev - Yakutin, Anderson - Voronkov, Grebennikov Surgut team repeated the plot of the previous match in Kazan, having played on equal terms with a top opponent only the first half of the debut set. But the content of the matches differed., there were more positive moments in the reporting match, although the score is unlikely Read more »

Test by leaders, continuation

The calendar gave Gazprom-Ugra a formidable opponent in the final home game of the regular season: St. Petersburg "Zenith" came to us. The Surgut people would really benefit from a victory, but the opponent, with a recent defeat from the Nizhny Novgorod ASC, has driven himself into a corner - there is nowhere to retreat, Lokomotiv breathes in the back. So the guests from the northern capital came to Surgut to fight in earnest, don't shoot. G, you know, Read more »

29-first round: notes on the fly

The finish line is so fast, that the tours are practically "stuck together": no particular impression, but there is a certain general "smeared" picture. She, however, and more objective - several games in a row say more about the teams, than one game a week. Let's try to use the accumulated dynamics and draw a portrait of the 29th round. The intrigue is, what are the neighbors playing in the standings and Read more »

high class, but not with us

Zenit-Kazan: Christenson - Mikhailov, D. Volkov - Deru, A. Volkov - Kononov, Golubev Gazprom-Ugra: Ozhiganov - Shakhbanmirzaev, Makarenko - Katich, Piun - Kurbatov, Kabeshov The Surgut team started quite cheerfully and even took the lead after a productive attack by Kurbatov and his own ace, 2:1. But the hosts ate the backlog on Rajab's three mistakes in a row - pitching into the net and hitting Read more »