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We continue the tradition

The history of "Gazprom-Ugra" will not lie: the club there is a clear attraction to the legionnaires-Slavs of the three fraternal countries volleyball - Poland, Bulgaria and Serbia. Let us remember! For Surgut in different years played the Polish Robert Prygel, Lucas Kadzhevych, Zbigniew Bartman, Maciej muse, bolgarы Todor Alexiev, Teodor Todorov, Theodore Salparov, Plamen Konstantinov, Radoslav Arsov, Serbs Alex Brdzhovich, Petar KRSMANOVI?A, Read more »

Maciej muse: "This was a jump in deep water"

History Maciej Muzaya in "Gazprom-Ugra", as it appears, limited to one season. therefore kakim! Pole immediately became the best scorer of the Super League and has attracted attention all over Europe, volleyball. A year ago, he was a promising player with excellent data, who remembered, mainly, Magic game in the Champions League against Kazan "Zenith". Surgut has given him a chance to say Read more »

Four years ago, we fought for the CEV Cup

Just in these days, four years ago, "Gazprom-Ugra" was playing on the top of his career,, so to speak, - in the CEV Cup final. 29 March was the first match played in Berlin, 2 April, the second leg in Surgut. Cup, we remember, our we not won - although the chances for this were. But in the case Read more »

Decision is made

On Saturday, the Presidium of the IEF stating the obvious, stop carrying Russian volleyball championship in all leagues (earlier it was suspending). All, season is over. However, the main intrigue was the fact, whether determined by the champions and prize-winners at the end of the preliminary part of the championship, or cancel all tournament results. The efforts of the teams decided not reset, to determine the place in accordance with the results of the preliminary Read more »

The season for assassination

For, to evaluate any deal, it is necessary to look the part. pair held after the completion of the last game of the championship week, passions have cooled, season actually ended, at least - for the "Gazprom-Ugra". You can easily look back and draw the first conclusions. They are: we have seen the emergence of a new team, where changes in the past have on all lines, fundamental changes. If Read more »

Twenty games "Gazprom-Ugra". How it was. Part 2.

13 tour. In the new year, "Gazprom-Ugra" started after a prolonged vacation 18 January in Moscow. "Dynamo" in the Lavochkin won with a score of 3:0. Surgut I had a chance to come back and play competitive games on this platform, but no luck ... However, up to this point had yet to reach. In the first set of the January match supply Avdochenko + block Read more »

Twenty games "Gazprom-Ugra". How it was. Part 1.

While the championship is officially suspended, it's time to reminisce on "how to play" Gazprom-Ugra "in this difficult season". Step by step we remember all the games, restore the drama of the season and will try to answer the question - how was this sports year for Surgut? However - First Chronicle, Analyst - then. Let's start off with, that championship team entered Read more »

How to finish the season

Russian Volleyball Championship, like all other competitions, suspended - to better times. most unpleasant, no one knows, when these better times will come, and will come in the foreseeable future. Definitely call, or even about the passage of at least the acute phase of a pandemic coronavirus SARS CoV-2 can not nobody: neither doctors, nor power, any grandmother Read more »

season 2019/2020 in pictures

"Gazprom-Ugra" completes season

The situation with the development of a pandemic coronavirus SARS CoV-2 changes daily: In countries and regions all the new restrictions are imposed. At the moment, there is no direct ban on the return game of the qualifying round of the Russian Championship between the capital "Dinamo" and "Gazprom-Ugra" in Moscow: there is only a recommendation to the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation to limit the holding of the All-Russian level competitions with 16 of March and the prohibition mayor Read more »