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Unsteady reflection of the future. Stronger, weaker, same?

Super League clubs have not finished picking for the new season, some didn't even start it. Nevertheless, a portrait of future teams is already possible - in general terms. What we decided to do, trying to answer the basic questions: teams intensified, weakened, stayed stand by? On a scale +/- five points in comparison with themselves the sample of the past Read more »

Clubs, money, two guns

Our volleyball friday, not having time to start, fell down on saturday - we counted, what 1 May workers will have other reasons for the holiday. And the volleyball festival is always with us, even in dull self-isolation. Even when almost nothing happens. Hit off-road stats When nothing happens, it's time to collect stones. Or scatter? Coach of the Kemerovo "Kuzbass" Read more »

Francesco File. See, who played how!

Many thanks to the coach of Kuzbass Francesco Oleni, which issued a 75-page document with a detailed analysis of the past national championship. That's all - and team performance, and individual, statistics and for individual items, and game situations. It will not be easy for a non-specialist to figure out a large amount of numbers. I'm not a specialist either, but tried to pull the most, on my humble Read more »

A month without volleyball. What are they talking about?

They haven’t been playing volleyball in Russia for a month already - the last matches in the MVL have passed 21 Martha. Nevertheless, life goes on: active transfer market, coaches and players give interviews and performances, and only the future is covered by a coronavirus curtain, for which you will not look. In order to contribute to the image of violent activity, we decided to summarize every Friday Read more »

Guys from our yard. We compose two Olympic teams from childhood

The current nullification of reality opens up new possibilities: you just start constructing your own reality. And since she is your own, then the rules of the game may differ from generally accepted. What would happen now, do not share bats with your rich inner world with humanity? Candidates for the Russian national team would leave mostly for the seas and oceans, on vacation. A Read more »

Part 3. Rafael Habibullin: “When you run at four in the morning, all your enemies are sleeping ... "

Today we publish the third, the final part of the interview with the head coach of Gazprom-Ugra Rafael Khabibullin. Finally stayed, as it seems to us, the most interesting questions - and equally interesting answers. About weight and motivation – In the volleyball world, everyone already knows, that you have a special approach to the weight of players, their nutrition. Tell us more? I will give you an interesting fact Read more »

Part 2. Rafael Habibullin: “Running three kilometers or five is a big difference”

Today we have the second “series” of conversation with the head coach of Gazprom-Ugra. Let's start with the interrupted championship, and then - how it goes ... About the interrupted flight and the quality of work – From the point of view of mid-April, the decision not to go to a game in Moscow to play with Dynamo looks absolutely logical ... But at that time, not everyone understood it. Read more »

Part 1. Rafael Habibullin: "To stay in place, you have to run very fast ”

Here is the result of two days of conversations with the head coach of Gazprom-Ugra. They talked a lot, frankly, about different things, the benefit of the current forced calm. Pity, that all that was said is simply impossible to squeeze into the framework of one publication, even if "serial". At first we wanted to make two "series", but they began to disassemble the material - at least three! Well Read more »

Rafael Khabibullin gave an interview to the club site

Each year, at the end of the season, we do a detailed interview with Rafael Khabibullin - about the past, present and future teams, club, Surgut Volleyball ... How Rafael Talgatovich is inaccessible to the media, just as interesting - and as a source of information, and just as an interlocutor, with imaginative thinking and developed speech. This conversation was no exception., spanning two Read more »

We ask to love and favor - Bozhidar Vuchichevich!

Yesterday we created an easy intrigue, causing a noticeable recovery among fans of Gazprom-Ugra. well, documents signed, it's time to announce the team rookie name! Gazprom-Ugra signed a two-year contract with a rising star of Serbian volleyball, diagonal national team of Serbia Bozhidar Vucichevich. Bozidar 21 year, his height - 205 cm, removal height - 363 cm, block - 348 cm. Club career Read more »