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played the opponent's game

Captain Dmitry Makarenko returned to Gazprom-Ugra, Captain Dmitry Makarenko returned to Gazprom-Ugra, Captain Dmitry Makarenko returned to Gazprom-Ugra. Captain Dmitry Makarenko returned to Gazprom-Ugra. Captain Dmitry Makarenko returned to Gazprom-Ugra. played the opponent's game Read more »

Let at your level

Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face. Is considered, Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face: Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face, Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face. In fact, Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face, Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face, Playing in Kazan is always an attempt to save face. Read more »

confidence in one's own abilities

"Gazprom-Yugra" bit in Kemerovo "Kuzbass", but could not eat anything - there was not enough margin of safety. Roman Pakshin gave a phenomenal game against Surgut, scorer per match 26 points with the effectiveness of the attack in 67%. Largely due to the more successful play of the hosts in the fourth zone, we lost. To be fair, we note, confidence in one's own abilities Read more »

In Kemerovo with hope

Trips to Kemerovo have always been difficult for Gazprom-Ugra, Trips to Kemerovo have always been difficult for Gazprom-Ugra. Trips to Kemerovo have always been difficult for Gazprom-Ugra. Another thing, Trips to Kemerovo have always been difficult for Gazprom-Ugra. First round match in Surgut Read more »

Failed to finish Lokomotiv

It was interesting at the Premier Arena: Andrey Arshavin in the stands, two diagonal at the same time on one side of the net and an almost completed tie-break. And it all started with a series of powerful serves by Lyzik - 0:6 The visitors. It was difficult for the owners to eliminate such a handicap, but they tried, fortunately, Novosibirsk helped with their own marriage. Alekseev scores an emergency ball after a pipe raised in defense Read more »

Stop Lokomotiv - Mission Possible?

Second round begins, which means everything is new. 2 October 2021 of the year Gazprom-Ugra started in the championship with a defeat in Novosibirsk. Since then, Lokomotiv lost only once - to Zenit Kazan.. As a result, a confident second place and a direct ticket to the Final Six, if the championship ended here and now. Railroad workers can be moved, in fact, Read more »