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New Year in Sosnovy Bor

New, 2025-and, the year begins for Gazprom-Yugra in Sosnovy Bor. Local “atomic” Dynamo once fought for survival in the Super League, but in the last few years they have made a powerful leap forward on all fronts. Now this is at least a strong middle peasant, And at the maximum - team, able to beat anyone. Which was proved 16 December, when Dynamo Lo won at home Read more »

Dear colleagues, fans, friends!

On behalf of the Gazprom-Yugra club and myself, allow me to congratulate the volleyball community, sponsors, patrons, press, Happy New Year to everyone who loves our game! Every year 31 December we believe, that next year will be better than the previous one. I would like to wish all of us, чтобы мы не просто верили, а знали, что так и будет. Потому что каждый день Read more »

Lost base

From a slightly unusual composition: Surgut residents now have Mikhail Fedorov in the center, “Fakel” had his namesake Vyshnikov pass the entire match. Briefly: all three games followed approximately the same scenario - closer to the middle, the guests gained a comfortable groundwork and brought the matter to success with varying degrees of resistance from the hosts in the endgame.

Twenty years later

The confrontation between Gazprom-Yugra and Fakel has come to an end, by the way, 20 years old! The teams' first meeting took place 30 and 31 October 2004 of the year, back then, double matches were still played on the tour. ZSK-Gazprom beat the Super League debutant twice in Surgut, 3:0 and 3:1. А затем был выезд в Новый Уренгой 22 and 23 January, и две победы сургутян по 3:2. Этому выезду Read more »

First defeat of YUKIOR

The fourth round games in the Youth Volleyball League started in Surgut. YUKIOR and SSOR "Samotlor" exchanged opponents in the first two days in the person of St. Petersburg "Zenit-2" and "Dynamo-LO-2" from Sosnovy Bor. On the first day, the Nizhnevartovians defeated Dynamo, not without problems 3:1, And our guys beat Zenit-2 with the same score. On the second day, the Samotlor Samotlor defeated Read more »

Not our day

In the first set, the mutual block almost immediately grew as the main element of the game, they earned points, finishes were obtained. Aisom Kirillov “ate” a small gap in the opening (11:11), Khlyakin's attack into touch brought us a break (14:13), еще один мы добыли блоком Сафонову (18:16). И тут же, после хозяйского тайм-аута, еще один, закрыв атаку Кудряшову из четвертой зоны. У Кириллова пошел хороший отрезок по мысли – блок «Оренбуржья» начал давать просветы, Шевляков забивает зону (21:17). Но тут же у Кириллова приключился сбой по качеству: пас Родичеву достался вышедшему на замену Рахматуллину. Но в эндшпиль мы вкатились на комфортных 24:20.

For six points

Every victory for Gazprom-Yugra in the championship is worth its weight in gold, not a medal, but in our scale of values ​​no less important. The upcoming match in Orenburg on Saturday is one of those, which they talk about - for six points. Our direct competitors, успевшие из «Нефтяника» стать «Оренбуржьем», хотят побыстрее забыть кошмар второго тура в Сургуте и зацепиться за гонку Read more »

Quality control

The Surgut team started the match with two breaks on Maxim Kirillov's serve, but then the block blocked Papazov’s attack, and Rohin made an ace - we didn’t believe it, that the ball will hit the line (2:3). The hosts began to tidy up the initiative: Iskhakov drags Shevlyakov's blow, Zubov counterattacks, Пискарев справляется с атакой Родичева – Зубов вновь тут как тут, 3:6. Второй блок МГТУ, на этот раз на Масько, доводит разрыв до минус 4 (8:12).

Let's go to the second round

Start of the second round – jokes and experiments aside. MSTU is waiting for us in Moscow, Super League debutant, who managed to gain some experience and added strength compared to the first game in Surgut. remind, that even then victory was not easy for us: despite the score 3:0 два сета закончились на балансе. И пусть никого не смущают всего Read more »

Equatorial Thoughts

First lap behind, we are at the equator, comrades! What is customary to do at the equator? Sailors, crossing this parallel for the first time, drink sea water. I'm an old sailor, that's why I'm entitled to other drinks, among them - truth serum. Сейчас глотну и все как есть напишу про реальность и ожидания. I think, реальность отражает ожидания на 100% или около того. Уверенное первое Read more »