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Surgut for the second time within a month beat ASK dry. The debut of the match did not imply such a final - the rivals were on a par, without letting go of each other, than one break ball. Gazprom-Ugra did not use a good chance to break away at the mark 10:8 - Nikita Alekseev did not convert the rebound, and then he stood up for the three-meter line, 10:10. In turn, Surgut brought the case to a draw, yielding 12:14 - ace Kirill Piun helped. So the teams went to the denouement: Ozhiganov's trick "a la Grankin", 20:20, the seventh innings of Nizhny Novgorod out of bounds, 21:21… Then Zheleznyakov manages to break, and Alekseev, at the end of a protracted draw, unsuccessfully tries to break through the block, 22:24. Further points were scored only by Gazprom: Ozhiganov's discount and a series of suddenly knocking out gliders performed by Kirill Ionov. Piun scores a challenge ball, he also catches Pyatyrkin's discount - and the cherry on the cake is ace Ionov under the back line.

In the second game, the Surgut team themselves played cleaner, and the life of the opponent was made difficult by the serve - on the allotted balls, the ASK attackers were forced to take risks and not always successfully. Two aces from Alekseev - 8:4. After Andrey Dranishnikov's time-out, his former ward Nikita Nagaets raises Zheleznyakov's shot in defense, and another attack from the fourth zone breaks the block, 9:4. Pyatyrkin unsuccessfully tries to circle the block in an oblique diagonal on a difficult ball, 11:5. Ionov again organizes difficulties for the Volga residents in receiving, Piun handles a passing ball again, 13:7. Makarenko is good in the fourth zone, and then on the serve - his series of tight shots at Artem Zelenkov made the advantage of Gazprom-Ugra twofold, 18:9. After that, the party "arrived": instead of Tyushkevich at ASK, Ivanov came out to pass, and Milan Krasic put the point with a blow from a place on the block, 25:16.

In the third game, the teams leveled up again: the territories of Nizhny Novgorod earned, especially diagonal Zheleznyakov, Surgutians answered with the same coin, plus Ozhiganov looked for and found support in the center of the grid. Kirill Piun scored, it seems, everything, what they gave him, Ionov was good on the block. Gazprom-Yugra earned its first break of three points at the mark 10:7 - the Volzhans touched the net - and turned on patience. Zheleznyakov and Antonov played out on the net, but our block waited for the player ASK, 14:12. Alekseev replied to the flawless diagonal, playing defense and scoring, 16:13. Zheleznyakov again reduces the distance to a minimum, 17:16, Alekseev again effectively answers. Ozhiganov fights in defense, but Pyatyrkin completes the draw on the third attempt, 18:17. Immediately Alekseev scores from an uncomfortable four from the fourth (!) times in one draw, 19:17.

He showed character, Surgutians entered the ending one step ahead, and then Kirill Ionov scored with a single block for Artem Dovgan, 22:19. And another block from Ionov, reached the end, this time Antonov, 23:19. Ozhiganov brings Katic to one block, 24:20, Ionov slightly smears the statistics, falling under the cover of Ananiev, 24:22. We again do not have a sure pickup, but fighting back in defense, the ball is expectedly addressed to the captain - Makarenko did not disappoint, 25:22.

Generally, after cold, albeit expected, soul from Zenit-Kazan, Gazprom-Ugra showed, that the team is ok. We can still keep our matches and “our” rivals under control. However, after the game with ASK the situation is exactly the same, that after yesterday's match - there is no reason for vivid emotions, work process in progress, in which the Surgut people solve their tactical tasks. Though the mood, what to hide, fans have improved.



Date Time Championship
05.11.2022 18:00 KR 2022


Gazprom-Yugra (Surgut)2625253
ASK (Nizhny Novgorod)2416220


g. Surgut / SC "Premier Arena"

Gazprom-Yugra (Surgut)

1 2 3 4 5 S K E FACING B PTS

ASK (Nizhny Novgorod)

1 2 3 4 5 S K E FACING B PTS