Nobody wanted to win
commands, not used to playing two days in a row (and there is still a third day!), came to the site in a rather lethargic state. Didn't feel at all, that for "Neftyanik" the game can be fateful - apparently, in Orenburg have already come to terms with the last place. Instead of Dmitry Yakovlev, Ilnur Rakhmatullin appeared in the diagonal, and the first set went with an overwhelming advantage of "Ural".
Ace Josia - 10:5. Neftyanik can't cope with Demakov's serve (!) and Mareshal are accurate in the playoffs - 17:11. Ushkov is trying to change something with a serve right through (19:15), but blocks Kranin, Rakhmatullina and Komarov are being squeezed by Orenburg residents, 25:17. Ufimtsy did not demonstrate anything supernatural, they themselves made a lot of mistakes when putting the ball into play, but in general they just played cleaner.
In the second installment of Gutsalyuk's aces, Rybakova, Demakova (!) allowed "Ural" "on the machine" to go one step ahead, but Marechal's block and Ushkov's ace that followed him bring an advantage to Neftyanik, 9:10. Coaches exchanging timeouts, and the game comes down to a duel between Ivan Komarov and Evgeny Rybakov. the segment 20:19 Komarov is the first to fail - 21:19 in favor of Ural. Then the block of Ufimians eats Rakhmatullina, and Demakov catches Komarov on the pipe, 24:20. All? Vladimir Vikulov throws Yakovlev to the front line instead of Ushkov, in the replays, Rakhmatullin, who has the skills of a setter, passes from the back line - and the Orenburgers reduce the gap to a minimum, 24:23. Yuri Lissitzky takes a time out, that works for everything 100%, since the most experienced Ivan Kozitsyn then serves into the net, 25:23.
The third set is a hit parade of your own mistakes, primarily performed by "Neftyanik". It all started at the mark 7:7 – for starters, the Orenburgers failed to dispose of the passing ball. Then Shishkin and Komarov did not decide, to whom to accept the supply of Zhosya. Rybakov's replay, block to Komarov - and already 11:7. After Vikulov's timeout, Neftyanik scores two points on the opponent's mistakes, but alaverdy is more powerful: Komarov and Rakhmatullin shoot out plus another error in the reception on the pitch of Marechal - Vikulov takes a second time-out at the mark 9:15.
The quintessence of the set: Neftyanik fails to convert freeball again, but in the response attack, Demakov kicks out of bounds with a wide gesture, 16:12. Demakov knocks on the block - Botin responds with a blow out of bounds, 18:13. When, it seemed, everyone wanted to get over it as soon as possible, the game was cheered up by Vikulov with another clip of substitutions: came out Hetman, Panov and Yakovlev, and the account began to click in favor of Neftyanik. Hetman puts the block and the Ufimians to a standstill with a pitch - 20:18. Rakhmatullin has an excellent pre-game chance, but the diagonal hits the net. "Ural" responds with a series of his marriage: Feoktistov attacks in block and out, and Zhos "rewards" Gutsalyuk with a low-quality pass - 21:21. However, Oilman is not ready to win, Komarov and Panov play with zero coefficient of utility (point+error), and the difference in the class with two attacks is made by Feoktistov, 25:23.