29-first round: notes on the fly
The finish line is so fast, that the tours are practically "stuck together": no particular impression, but there is a certain general "smeared" picture. She, however, and more objective - several games in a row say more about the teams, than one game a week. Let's try to use the accumulated dynamics and draw a portrait of the 29th round.
The intrigue is, what are the neighbors in the standings and potential rivals in the first round of the playoffs. If the teams stay in their current places (or swap places), then you get the most unpredictable pair of fighters for a ticket to the quarterfinals. The teams are stylistically different, equally equal in strength, so it will be a pleasure to watch. With general equality, solves (and now, and playoffs) the role of personality in history. Biryukov or Babkevich, Ivovich or Sivozhelez, there may be options. But Grankin is more stable than Jovovich without options.
Orenburgers need a feat, Muscovites don't really need anything, but that's no reason to give up the game. Potentially, Dynamo is head and shoulders above and can get into the fight under two circumstances: if Bryansky releases reservists (Sventickis, Shkulyavichus, bug, Kastylenka) and if the feed does not fly. At the same time, there are concepts, as an honor to the uniform and preparation for the playoffs through such matches - therefore, the hosts have little chance.
One of the variants of the Siberian derby, in which there is nothing from a real derby, for Lokomotiv is the master in Siberia. Take the same Ilya Kazachenkov, which the, to my own joy, avoided "links" to Krasnoyarsk. Yenisei, Nevertheless, on the positive and will play easily - and something may come of it. Loko has roughly the same tasks, what about Dynamo: preparation for the quarter-finals through the remaining games. Plus out of the corner of my eye Konstantinov, of course, follows Zenit from St. Petersburg - suddenly another misfire? This can't be missed. That is, need to win the remaining games.
The Tatar-Bashkir "green" derby has not brought joy to Ufa residents for many years. This match is unlikely to be an exception either – Kazan players are now demonstrating amazing volleyball with a deep margin of safety. The team is so good, that it even becomes a little scary - not for rivals, and for the Kazan people themselves, for paradoxical sports logic implies a misfire at a decisive stage in such situations, how it was last season. But in this particular match there will be no misfire, she has nowhere to go.
Having suffered from the second squad with Yugra-Samotlor, Belogorye is unlikely to release reservists against the inspired ASK. At least, from the start. Respite respite, but the foundation must be kept in good shape. Nizhny Novgorod, despite all their exploits, in a particular game, I will not give preference. Just because the team is old and needs to get hooked a little, having played ten games in less than a week, Yes, even with transfers.
Babeshin must be defeated at least for self-affirmation, although in the standings for Kuzbass it is still not completely clear. Kemerovo residents are quite capable of doing this, although the guards, of course, will snap back. Here are these "though" and "if" that for Kemerovo, that for Nizhnevartovsk - very relevant terms throughout the season. So to speak: "Kuzbass" has someone to win. Although "Belogory" was also someone - but they barely rebounded. If Samotlor turns out like, that might be interesting.
The game of two outsiders is a chance for Minsk residents to slam the door. And for the hosts - to rehabilitate themselves in front of their fans after the defeat in Minsk. It is unlikely that many people will be watching this match intensely., and the rivals will, probably, solve their internal problems in anticipation of the continuation of the dispute within the play-out. Generally, such a sign: experience versus youth. G, of course, Sergei Busel against the Belarusian team.