YUKIOR - the second in the group, quarter-finals ahead
YUKIOR finished the group stage of the MVL Cup in Nizhnevartovsk with a victory over Zenit-2 from St. Petersburg 3:1. After the defeat the day before from Dynamo-Olympus 0:3 and the victory of "Zenith-2" over "Belogorye-2" (3:1) This was, in fact, match for second place in group A.
The game was extremely difficult. Having exchanged victory in the first two sets with the same score 25:19, the opponents entered the clinch and completed the next two games on the balance sheet, where the Ugra residents had the skill and patience to turn the tide of the game in their favor.
In the third set, the minimum advantage (22:21) we gave away after hitting Ivan Skvortsov in the block (22:23). Maxim Kirillov's serve brought Zenit-2 set-bol, but the opponent made a mistake twice, and the block, performed by Alexander Krasilnikov, put an end to it. In the fourth installment we led 23:20 and had a match-ball game, which was not realized by the same Krasilnikov. St. Petersburg players out of bounds - and we have three attempts to complete the game, 24:21. But technical marriage, reception on the antenna and the lost protracted draw equalize the situation. Nevertheless, our guys find the strength to finish the game in their favor - the decisive block, closed the attack with a pipe, choreographed by Konstantin Bessogonov, 27:25.
Ivan Skvortsov has traditionally become the most productive member of the YUKIOR, 17 points, including one ace and two blocks, 48% efficiency in attack. Better, than the day before, looked Alexander Slobodyanyuk, credited 13 points (1 ace) from 46% efficiency on the grid, 12 points (1 ace, 3 block) on the account of Konstantin Bessogonov.
Now we just have to wait for the opponent in the quarterfinals, which will be known after the end of the games in group B. But now we can say with certainty, that any of the possible options - SSHOR "Samotlor", Lokomotiv-SShOR or Fakel-2 will be extremely difficult. Quarter-finals will be held in Nizhnevartovsk 8 may, Rising Stars Match is scheduled for tomorrow. YUKIOR in the national group A will be represented by blocker Mikhail Koroteev, players Nikita Rusanov and Alexander Sappo, Libero Egor Vlaskov.
P.S. An inaccuracy was made in the first publication about the MVL Cup. Connecting "Torch" Sergei Ushkov - brother of Andrei Ushkov, playing in the Superleague for Neftyanik from Orenburg. We apologize.