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From the word "halva" in the mouth does not become sweeter. In the same way, they do not come from spells with the word “victory” - another mechanism works here.. And next Saturday he can shoot, anyway, there are all prerequisites for this. Even despite the victory of our rival - Yaroslavl "Yaroslavich" - in the last round over the Moscow "Dynamo". This victory allowed the Volga players to get ahead of Gazprom-Ugra in the standings - not on points, we have earned three of them with our perseverance, - but just for victories, which are more important. Now the word is ours, not spoken or written, and what was said on the site.

"Yaroslavich" is probably well remembered by Surgut fans, since we closed the last season with a series of games with this team. Then, defeating an opponent in three matches, we avoided the prospect of playing in the play-out. But "Yaroslavich" tumbled there and got out of there with honor. So the rival, The hall of the Novy Urengoy sports palace "Zvezdny" was recently tested by doubles of "Gazprom-Yugra" from YuKIOR, well familiar, on the other hand, completely unknown. The thing is, that in the off-season the composition of the Yaroslavl team was updated almost completely. Legionnaires are gone News and Mikhailovich, Rukavishnikov and Nikonenko, A culprit, Rohin, Dmitriev, Morov, Shpilev, moved to Gazprom-Yugra Schadylov. Left the team and head coach Viktor Sidelnikov.

So the current Yaroslavich is a completely different team.. Left-handed diagonal left from the previous squad Sergey Loktionov, recently recovered from injury, "eternal" team libero, Olympic champion Alexander Sokolov, in the first rounds, an outside player entered the court Ivan Piskarev, but in recent games it was not even in the application. All. The weather in the current Yaroslavich, along with Loktionov and Sokolov, is made by newcomers - players Vyacheslav Tarasov and Ruslan Galimov, binding Alexander Voropaev, central blockers Maxim Belogortsev and Alexander Melnikov. About all in order: Tarasov is a fairly well-known player, played for many clubs, and last season spent in the Polish "Bielsko-Biala". Galimov is a pupil of the Ufa "Ural", was supposed to play for Nova this season, but in the end came to the court in "Yaroslavich". Alexander Voropaev moved to the banks of the Volga from Yekaterinburg, where he took the place of Evgeny Rukavishnikov, who left for Fakel, last season, we remember, for "Yaroslavich". Such is the cycle of connections in nature. Maxim Belogortsev is a student of Novosibirsk volleyball, who played last season in Samotlor, and Alexander Melnikov is just his, Yaroslavl guy, returned home in transit through Dynamo Moscow. Also, experienced players are quite capable of entering the court to enhance the game Oleksiy Pluzhnikov and Oleg Centalovich plus promising youth, which Yaroslavl has always been famous for. G, of course, You can not ignore the new head coach of the team - Yuri Filippov, for many years headed Kharkiv Lokomotiv and the national team of Ukraine. Much of this is to his credit., that from the team of recruits, a combat-ready, cocky team is coming to the sixth round of the championship, played on equal terms with Belogorye and defeated Dynamo Moscow.

However, Gazprom-Yugra should not be embarrassed by this - a victory over Yaroslavich from the category, as they say, must have, if we want to join the fight for the playoffs. Decisive, seems, in the upcoming fight will be a factor of psychology, mood for the game: our guys need to go to the site with a cool head, do not burn out from the desire to win. But the guests in this regard will be a little easier: they lost their burden of defeats in the previous round and will play liberated away. Well, we wish Gazprom-Ugra psychological stability and we will watch beautiful volleyball!

Gazprom-Yugra - Yaroslavich. Surgut, "Premier Arena", 24 November, 18:00 (16:00 Moscow time). Match broadcast on http://tvstart.ru/