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Youth League

Yugorsk residents follow the winning schedule

On the eve of the big volleyball "Gazprom-Yugra" – "Oilman" (Orenburg) MVL teams played regular matches in Surgut 6 tour. SSHOR "Samotlor" started the game rather sluggishly with ASK-2, taking the first set with minimal advantage, 25:23, and in the second, and completely conceded in all respects, 16:25. Only after this cold shower did Nizhnevartovsk stop underestimating the opponent and defeated him 25:8 Read more »

Synchronous victories of Yugorsk team with a score 3:1

6-The first round of the Youth Volleyball League started in Surgut with the victory of the Samotlor school over the Kazan Zenit-UOR. The match turned out to be stubborn: only in the opening set, the advantage of Nizhnevartovsk was not in doubt - 25:14. In the future, the citizens of Kazan found the strength to offer desperate resistance to one of the leaders., losing in the second game on a swing - 24:26, and taking the third set 25:23. Read more »

The penultimate tour of YUKIOR plays at home

Games of the sixth round of the Youth Volleyball League start in Surgut. Our YUKIOR and SSHOR "Samotlor" will play twice against the Kazan "Zenit-UOR" and ASK-2 from Nizhny Novgorod. Rivals, what is called, by strength - ASK-2 and Zenit-UOR occupy the eighth and ninth places in the standings, respectively. YUKIOR, in which Kirill Maksimov 2003 year of birth looks a little Read more »

Ugra beat Peter and Leningrad region with a score 8:0

Games ended in Surgut 4 round of the Russian championship in the Youth Volleyball League. Two Ugra teams - YUKIOR and SSHOR Samotlor - have not lost a single match to teams from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Swapping rivals for the last time, Nizhnevartovsk and Surgutyans beat Zenit-2 and Dynamo-LO-2 with the same score 3:0. In the match "SSHOR Samotlor" – Zenit-2 is the most Read more »

6:0 in favor of Ugra

The third day 4 round of the Russian Championship in the Youth Volleyball League again ended with a double victory for the Ugra teams. SSHOR-Samotlor beat Dynamo-LO-3 dry for the second time, and YUKIOR defeated Zenit-2 from St. Petersburg with a score 3:1. characteristically, that after the opponent has equalized the score in the games, Surgut team proved their superiority in the third set with a score 25:9. Tomorrow is the last, Read more »

Already 4:0 in favor of Ugra people

In Surgut - the second day 4 round of the Russian championship in MVL. Petersburg Zenit-2 played five games again, this time - with "SSHOR Samotlor", and lost again in a tense ending 18:20. Petersburgers lacked a little, to defeat one of the league leaders. And YUKIOR in a calmer manner defeated Dynamo-LO-2 3:1. Having exchanged victories with the pine fighters in Read more »

2:0 in favor of Ugra

Games of the fourth round of the Youth Volleyball League started in Surgut. First to the Premier Arena site, where home games are held by Gazprom-Yugra, emerging stars from the Nizhnevartovsk "SShOR Samotlor" and "Dynamo-LO-2". Our neighbors finished the duel in three games without any problems - 25:22, 25:17, 25:23. Much longer and more tortuous was the plot of the meeting between YUKIOR and understudy of St. Petersburg "Zenith". The first set is pretty Read more »

Youth will play in Surgut

18 November games will be held in Surgut 4 round of the Russian championship in the Youth Volleyball League, where our YUKIOR will play two matches against Dynamo-LO-2 from Sosnovy Bor and Zenit-2 from St. Petersburg. For Surgut residents, this is a good chance to replenish the supply of glasses.: Petersburgers after three rounds are in eighth place in the standings, pine fighters - 12th. YUKIOR does not Read more »

YUKIOR: 50 percent at the start

The first round of the Russian Championship in the Youth Volleyball League ended in Nizhnevartovsk. The rivals of YUKIOR in paired matches were their peers from the Novy Urengoy Fakel-2 and the Krasnoyarsk Yenisei-2. On the first day of the competition, our guys lost to Novy Urengoy 1:3, then they defeated Yenisey-2 with the same score. Re-matches did not significantly change the balance of power: again defeat from "Fakel-2" 1:3 and a dry win Read more »

New season starts

Our youth team U19, beating Brazil in the quarterfinals with a score 3:0, was among the four best teams on the planet. But then the guys were not lucky, first they lost five sets in the semifinals of the Bulgarian national team, which was beaten in the group stage, and in the match for third place they also lost in a tie-break to the hosts from the Iranian team. Fourth final place, Read more »