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Fought with yourself

The realities are, that Gazprom-Yugra can play on equal terms with the second line-up of Kemerovo residents. With the first it can also - but not for long. In the first batch, residents of Surgut held out to the mark 5:5, after which they failed on the serves of Evgeny Sivozhelez - 5:12. Further a matter of technology, the opponent calmly finished with a step, while we were trying to run after, 21:25. I remember the exit Read more »

Optimistic defeat

In the second game in Krasnoyarsk, Gazprom-Yugra looked much more fun, than in the debut match with Lokomotiv. In the first set, Surgutyans were not much inferior to "Yenisei" – except that the Krasnoyarsk people managed to keep the reception more clearly and, respectively, look a little better offensively. The Gazprom team walked the entire set in the wake of the opponent and could well use it to their advantage Read more »

Getting involved

Gazprom-Yugra is traditionally hard to screw into the coming season. This time, coronavirus restrictions were imposed on the specifics of the preparation, sharply cut off the time of the training camp - and the team arrived in Krasnoyarsk under a serious load and practically without a sense of the ball. This immediately became noticeable in the debut of the match with Novosibirsk Lokomotiv. The champions of the country are also clearly not at the peak of readiness., but the people of Surgut are on Read more »

We start in Krasnoyarsk

Well, we waited for the start of the season. obviously, that in new conditions much will be unusual, all these tests, masks, gloves, rare viewers. But what to do, these are today's realities. Worth noting, that because of the coronavirus, the preparation of Gazprom-Yugra for the season has also crumpled: gyms were opened quite late in Ugra, and going somewhere for the training camp was also quite risky with Read more »

Rodion Miskevich: “It will be very interesting!»

The Belarusian diagonal Rodion Miskevich will spend the next year in Surgut. We well remember him from his performances for the Ufa "Ural", and he spent the last year in Italian Serie A. curious, that he was the first to call Rafael Khabibullin ... However, better let him tell you everything. Rodion, how did you end up at Gazprom Ugra? When I found out, that Vuchechichich in Surgut is not Read more »

Welcome, Rodion!

Gazprom-Ugra signed a one-year contract with the 25-year-old diagonal team of Belarus Rodion Miskevich (198 cm). He is well known to the Russian fan for his appearances for the Ural “Ural” with 2017 by 2019 year. Prior to that, he played for the Minsk "Builder" and the Italian "Soru". In the same Italian club Rodion spent last season. The signing of Miskevich in Surgut is regarded as optimal personnel Read more »

Virtual first round

The farther in the summer, the less truly interesting talk. I've got, true, one, but the embargo on it so far. To discuss Kimerov’s deed or Spiridonov’s transition is from hopelessness. And I want some positive, drive. Therefore, I propose to be mentally transported to 26 September and “see” the games of the first round of the championship of Russia. "Dinamo-LO" – ASK Tisevich, Read more »

What will we play?

so, championship formula announced. The fans have two main complaints - lack of playoffs and lack of relegation. I want adrenaline and blood, which is justified, sport after all. Let's try to understand the logic of the decisions made.. Victim of Tokyo As for the full playoffs - he was again sacrificed to the Olympics. Proven solutions do not change: collections must have time to relax, recover and prepare. the, what Read more »

All in places!

This week was surprisingly rich in news.: Poletaev decided, and Vucichevich - no, Kluka in limbo, and Pashitsky - in St. Petersburg. Clubs continue to discuss next season, and Tyumen sends letters of happiness to the players. Generally, have something to talk about. Vucichevich stayed in Ljubljana, perhaps, with Bozhidar Vuchichevich. Basically, we have already commented on the situation: Read more »

Why Vucichevich in Ljubljana

ACH Volley Volleyball Club from Ljubljana reported, that diagonal Bozhidar Vucichevich, signed a two-year contract with Gazprom-Ugra, returned to the Slovenian team. “Due to the current situation in Russia, mainly due to coronavirus, in the end we could not agree to work with a Russian club. I decided to return to the club, where I feel comfortable and safe. Awaiting, what Read more »