Champion exam
At the end of the year, Surgut residents will have two matches with the finalists of the Russian Cup, who will play for the trophy exactly between meetings with Gazprom-Yugra. Will Zenit-Kazan consider the match with our team as a dress rehearsal before the title match with Dynamo four days later, or will Alexey Verbov take care of the leaders and try to get by with “little blood”?? In any case, Gazprom-Yugra solves its problems and 20 December in Kazan will try to fully confront one of the leaders of Russian volleyball. The result in this case is not so important, How's the quality of the game?, the ability to regenerate under powerful pressure and generate something competitive.
There are so many strengths in the current Zenit, what do you get tired of listing?. This is the best, according to many experts, setter in the world Mika Christensen. And one of the best diagonal players on the planet, Maxim Mikhailov. G, perhaps, best finisher in Russia Dmitry Volkov. This is a strong composition overall., and beautiful young growth in the person of Mikhail Labinsky and Roman Romanovsky, and Kirill Klets, who is being prepared for a great future.
You can sing the praises of Kazan residents for a long time, so let's just state, that the champion of Russia positions, least, did not pass. Although in the penultimate two matches (one of them is a ported game 11 tour) the team had a pretty hard time walking around Siberia, having played five sets each in Krasnoyarsk and Kemerovo. Then, true, The Ural was easily dismantled. I repeat: Kazan residents are preparing for the Russian Cup final, players, quite possible, came out of stress. Anyway, to 20 December uniform "Zenith", and we're not talking about game jerseys, should already be optimized.
It will not be easy for us against any Kazan team, especially since our clip is far from optimal. Epidemic, mowed down several Surgut residents, has not disappeared anywhere, but let's be honest - even with a full squad there would be little chance of winning. Therefore, you need to forget about the chances and just show yourself as a united team, adequately confronting the difficulties that befall him. maybe, in Kazan we will again see Alexey Rodichev as part of Gazprom-Yugra - which is not a reason for optimism. And as part of Zenit we will certainly collide with Evgeniy Rukavishnikov, who played three seasons in Surgut. Anyway, the match will be interesting for many reasons. We are waiting and, as always, cheer for ours!