Final alignment
It's time for the decisive battles, which should become not only the endgame of the championship, but also its apotheosis and decoration. A simple fact pleases in advance: rivals are almost equal in strength, which almost guarantees a series of intense and interesting matches. Let's try to visually verify the first, and the second will be checked in the near future. so, pre-match alignment - by positions and key game elements.
Binders: 50/50
Mike Christenson is considered to be one of the best setters in the world of volleyball., and it is true. But the semi-final series with Lokomotiv showed, that he is not a magician and may even be wrong. What is especially unpleasant - at key moments. In many ways, he is to blame for the tense ending of the fifth game of the fourth match, which "Zenith" had to calmly pick up (14:11). maybe, this is a wake-up call for Verbov and, least, reason for self-analysis of the player. However, not robots and Mike play, certainly, will show a high class in the final.
Another thing, that Pavel Pankov is in perfect order. His gaming connections have been developed for more than one year. Important, that his experience has a winning color. It is in the current Dynamo that Pankov looks as organic and useful as possible, plays boldly, quickly and accurately. Attackers are comfortable with him, what else do you need, to calmly meet old age / become champions for the third time in a row? "Side" components like feed, block and attacking actions at Pankov look even more preferable, than the opponent.
Conclusion: if we compare setters separately from teams, then Christenson, perhaps, more flexible and creative. But being part of my team, Punkov in the conduct of the game will not yield to an American.
Diagonal: 50/50
and Maxim Mikhailov, and Tsvetan Sokolov are backbone players of their teams. Max often performs on an equal footing with traditionally strong players from Kazan, but, if necessary - able to pull partners out of the swamp. Sokolov in the playoffs carries a more serious load, scoring a grandmaster's number of points with a grandmaster's same percentage in almost every match. At the same time, Sokolov, and Mikhailov can go into the shadows, hitting outs and knocking on the block (cm. above - we are all people). The key factor in their game in the final is psychology. Both experienced, both are not subject to protracted recessions, both can decide on teeth.
Finishers: 50/50
The replay of Zenit has not yet shown its maximum. Dmitry Volkov only occasionally turns on god mode, Sam Deru also plays with drops. However, there is a general level, below which they do not "sit down", and they can shoot at any moment. Dynamo has greatly improved over the past year by Anton Semyshev, especially in the reception, where he had some problems before. But Yaroslav Podlesnykh, vice versa, slightly lost the position of the "universal soldier". it happens, floats in the reception, and on the net, his acrobatic technique is increasingly read by the block and defense. Nevertheless, the same can be said about them - there is a high general level. Dynamo couple from the side looks a little more "Nordic", while the Zeniths are more emotionally charged. What is better for the final? open question.
Center forwards: 50/50
Ilya Vlasov is an almost guaranteed pickup from an almost four-meter height. If before he had a problem with that, to close the ball properly, now you can't see it. There are certain issues with the speed of moving to the edges and the general reading of the game on the block., but often it’s enough for Vlasov to simply take out his hands - all the same, the fence will, albeit "crooked" set. Maxim Belogortsev is also good, but him, rather, "made" team. But there is also the most experienced Vadim Likhosherstov, able to play "two towers" with Vlasov. For some reason it seems to me, that Vadim is being prepared as a kinder surprise for the final.
Zenith in the center is also all right. Artem Volvich also has experience + physics, and Alexander Volkov plus the "young" Alexei Kononov in the role of Kazan "Belogortsev". Do not forget about Dmitry Shcherbinin - the joker, capable of playing like a square, as well as from the start. It's hard for me to imagine, that Dynamo will have Dmitry Zhuk on the court, so quantitatively "Zenith" looks more mobile. But the grid always has one central, so for Dynamo rotation in this zone is not a problem.
Libero: 50/50
Lauri Kerminen looks like a slightly more reliable option - basically, through experience, position selection. Plus amazing response.. But Ilya Fedorov has a huge talent, expressed in flair and plasticity, which often overlap the experience. If both show their maximum, then and here the approximate equality.
A bench: 55/45 in favor of Dynamo
Dynamo has an iron rotation in the playoff and in the center of the grid, plus a serve boost, at the Zenith, rather, point amplification for a certain functionality - the same feed, block. But in the reception and release no one, except to declare Valentin Golubev as a follower.
Innings: 55/45 in favor of Dynamo
"Dynamo" is famous for knocking out the pitch, although sometimes the other side of the coin is large-scale ball losses in this element. But if it flies, then it flies: and Pankov, and Podlesny, and Semyshev, and Sokolov, and Belogortsev and even Vlasov are able to hurt the hosts on an industrial scale. Plus, Cheslav Sventitskis can charge from the bench. But Zenit will not yield much either.: Volkov, Derulo, Mikhailov, Christenson plus Labinsky and Surmachevsky. Gives up little, but still…
Reception: 55/45 in favor of Dynamo
And that one, and the other team may have a “weak link” in the reception, but in general, Dynamo looks a little more stable in this element.
Removal from negative reception: 45/55 Lokomotiv is the continuation of this test and so far the most formidable
Still, Christenson decides - Zenit scores a lot from a negative reception. clear, that there is a whole set of factors, including the readiness of attackers to sell heavy balls. So to speak: The t-shirt makes things a lot easier.. Dynamo has a reliable option - Sokolov, but his element is still fast volleyball. Players, in emergency situations, prefer to improve the disposition for a re-attack.. good tactic, but it doesn't always work, especially with Zenit.
doigrovku: 55/45 in favor of Dynamo
Here comes the pretense: Muscovites click afterplay like seeds. Zenith has a little more problems, although Kazanians know how to keep the ball in the air.
Protection and insurance: 45/55 Lokomotiv is the continuation of this test and so far the most formidable
That's just about the ability to keep the ball in the air. Both teams systematically "clean" the glade from discounts, and in places they work out in defense, even the central ones manage to pick something out in the fifth zone. Verbov, as a former libero, gave this game five points, Bryansky's game downstairs is also very good. maybe, it’s just that during the season I saw more beautiful rescues performed by Kazan.
Trainers: 55/45 in favor of Dynamo
Everything is simple here: Konstantin Bryansky has already won the championship twice, unlike Alexei Verbov. And in the end, such an experience is invaluable.. However, There is a first time for everything and you have to start somewhere.. But in fact, Verbov does not always hold a punch in stressful situations.. The upcoming series is the best way to fix it, but for now Bryansky has a small handicap.
mentality: 55/45 Lokomotiv is the continuation of this test and so far the most formidable
The mood is very important and it seems that there are no questions here - each of the rivals will give everything one hundred percent. But it's about subtle matter, associated with inner feelings: We will win. It would seem that, Dynamo has cards in their hands and two gold medals around their necks. But the smooth championship was won by Kazan, this team is still followed by the trail “everyone plays football, and the Germans win, inside a huge motivation to regain the pedestal. Plus the advantage of your site. And Dynamo, no matter how they say about the desire to once again prove everything to everyone, just in this they look like an underdog. Double champions don't have to prove anything, but somewhere in the subcortex still sits the myth of the invincibility of Kazan, created back in the days of Leon and Anderson.
in total
If we resort to our "mathematics", then on the tip of the nose ahead of Dynamo. Which says absolutely nothing - if only because, that the categories we evaluate may have different weights depending on the circumstances. Mentality in general can block everything else. The obvious result is one - there will be a battle of equal rivals, in which everything will be decided by game nuances and, of course, endings. Real volleyball starts after the count of "20", and in the final - on the swing in decisive games. I'm sure, that we will see all this. With the final!