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27-first round: easy breathing playoffs

On the 27th round continues to accelerate to the finish line of the preliminary part of the championship. Volleyball in the spring is interesting, teams are either already reaching their maximum, or start to it with the expectation of the playoffs. The game is live, a lot of fire, there are various attendant circumstances - in general, the heat is slowly coming on.

The hosts are noticeably more experienced and their motivation is higher. All, what Minskers in Orenburg can oppose is youthful enthusiasm, turning into the so-called "spruha". G, you know, might work. In the first round, the opponents played five games, why not repeat? "Oilman" favorite, but it will not be so easy to confirm this on the site. maybe, will have to fight not only with the opponent, but also with myself.

Rivals, generally, decided on the places in the standings, why the game will not become sluggish. On the contrary - why not just show cool volleyball? I don't dare to name the winner: Krasnoyarsk residents have not their days, and Nova is disciplined enough, to catch it. Return of Scrimov, of course, adds optimism to local fans, and Fetsov is fine, and guests without Litvinov may have difficulty with pressure on the net - this factor is quite capable of becoming decisive.

Nizhnevartovsk residents need to jump above their heads, to beat the pine fighters. Attempt, certainly, will be taken, but Dynamo-LO can and should take quality. Volleyball logic for guests, let's leave it to an illogical outcome 10 percent.

Ufimtsy don't play well with the leaders. call it karma, bad luck, but the fact remains: very good selection of performers while playing without miracles. And to beat the current Dynamo is just from the category of a volleyball miracle. Even when the pitch doesn't fly, Muscovites find other arguments, to keep lower ranked opponents at a respectful distance. Equal game possible, struggle, and even the victory of "Ural" in one set - but nothing more.

Grankina factor levels Christenson, and in other positions, the superiority of the guests is quite obvious. The main thing is that Zenit has a team game, allowing you to cling to every ball and dictate your own terms. The meeting will be very useful for the youth from Fakel, but not very productive.. You can try to include Babkevich, soften something with a mobile block, you can put up a fight, but even the best version of Fakel is unlikely to be able to win three games against the current Zenit.

Interesting, of course, what composition Peter will arrive in Nizhny. There is a suspicion, that the strongest - the leaders received the necessary rest, and stagnation is also not a reason. Besides, breathing in the back of the head "Locomotive". However, in any scenario, Zenit can beat ASK, even taking into account Yegor Sidenko, who returned to duty and ignited. I think, here, too, without sensations.

Probably, the most interesting game of the tour. You will not envy Alexey Babeshin - after the defeat from direct competitors from the Leningrad region, you need to get together for an even more serious opponent. In fact, this is the last serious test for the Siberians in the preliminary part of the championship, so the imprint will be delayed for a long time, including the playoffs. Belgorod's goal is not so much to catch up with Lokomotiv, how long to hold the fifth position, giving all sorts of goodies in the first round of knockout games. On paper, Belogorye looks like a more solid organism., on site, I think, it will be confirmed.
