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After Nizhnevartovsk: figures and impressions

When emotions are cold, let's look at the statistics of the match against Ugra-Samotlor and compare it with the impressions of the game.

Let's dance from the stove, i.e. from taking: here the numbers are about the same, which allows you to shift the focus to percentages, scored in attack. so, the numbers speak, that we acted better with a negative reception (40% effectiveness against 28%), but lost a comfortable pickup from a positive reception (53% against 66%). Game Impressions: our experienced players Dmitry Makarenko (to a greater extent) and Anton Botin (to a lesser extent) solved difficult episodes just due to experience, recouping block out, "licking" the block with discounts. In a forceful manner, they solved some of the difficult episodes and diagonal. But when it came to attacks from a position of strength, here we lost outright. Statistics will not lie, block played twice (9-18). At the same time, for the sale of balls after defense (55%) we looked a little better (51%), хотя на память приходит множество упущенных возможностей именно в доигровках.

The game gives the impression, that our players at some point "ate" and did not cope on the grid, and Dmitry Krasikov alone in the rotation of the picture could not fix. According to the numbers, it turns out, that just in the replay we at least did not lose. Anton Botin withstood the reception at the level 45%, than compensated for the attack in 35%, but his opponent Nikita Aksyutin is doing even worse: worthy of acceptance 44%, but attack – 17%! Compare Makarenko and Kochnev: reception 30% on 25%, attack 50% on 64%. At the same time, Makarenko has twice the load in the reception with equal attempts at attacking actions - according to 28.

So where did we fall? If in the center Piun and Rokhin played "nostril to nostril", by 60% efficiency in attack 10 everyone's attempts and 2 block for each, then the captain of "Samotlor" Yerkin 69% in attack, and Kirill Ionov has only 29%, while Yerkin attacked twice as many. There is almost no difference between blocks., 4 on 3 in favor of Yerkin. Gorbachev, who came out diagonally instead of Litvinenko, nailed us 20 points in attack with efficiency 54%, but Alekseev and Shakhbanmirzaev were given away 13 points also with a very good percentage (48 and 65 respectively).

In other words, if we were more or less able to compensate for Gorbachev's activity with a counterplay of the diagonal, played on equal terms in the replay, then in the center of the grid Yerkin made a difference. At the same time, most of Samotlor's own marriage fell on the first two lost games - 13 and 8 respectively, in the third and fourth marriage was reduced to 4 and 6. We are, vice versa, built up mistakes, 7-5-9-6, what could be the result of accumulated fatigue. Also, the jump in the effectiveness of attacking actions at Yugra-Samotlor fell, It is logical, for the second half of the match, and we have, respectively, this indicator has fallen. In the decisive short set, the opponents made a mistake three times, and the difference comes from +2 on the attack and +1 on the block near Vartovsk.

Behind all these numbers lies something, which is not directly recorded by statistics, but directly affects the course of the match: game of binders. Vadim Ozhiganov lost to Maxim Kreskin and tactically, and technical. The number of blocks is, after all, the “merit” of binders. It's one thing to attack on a broken block, the other is to try to solve the problem over and over again on an organized block, and even with a loss of speed and floating transmission quality. and Makarenko, and Botin, and Alekseev, and Shahbanmirzaev, not to mention the absent Kostylenko and the central forwards - they love and know how to shoot fast balls, this is their bread. Under such a composition of attackers, appropriate passes are needed.

In that, perhaps, the main problem of the current Gazprom-Ugra. Reception can be stabilized, make the pitch fly, in defense - work out, win something on the grid due to skill and experience, but without system quality in terms of speed, height and location, passing will not have the necessary level of pressure on the opponent. Former binders Alexander Gorbatkov and Denis Garkushenko are faced with precisely this task - to fix no strings, and the ropes of interaction between binders and attackers. We believe in Vadim Ozhiganov and Vsevolod Abramychev (Maxim Kirillov, due to his youth, is still beyond the scope of this criticism.), believe, that a solution will be found - and then Gazprom-Ugra will be able to pressurize such games, like in Nizhnevartovsk, can win.