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club news

Set our sights on the future

There has been a curious change in the composition of the Surgut residents: captain Alexey Rodichev, who had previously played exclusively on the back line, played the game as a receiving libero this time, on his serve he was replaced by young Alexander Evseev, whose role, generally, also a finisher. And Nikita Nagaets was warming up in the uniform of a field player, but never showed up on the set.

Upgrading your character

Oleg Sogrin has noticeably refreshed Nova's lineup compared to the first game against the home team, and we don’t have much to change, We're already playing in experimental mode. Nevertheless, Gazprom-Yugra managed to break the series of defeats from Volga in the championship. It turns out, we are on the right path, albeit with obstacles.

No tragedy

"Gazprom-Ugra" (Surgut): Kirillov – Rudnev, Krsmanovich - Shevlyakov, Korotaev – Skvortsov, Shakhtar Nagaets (Soligorsk): Wrestling - Avdochenko, Fiel – Kozitsyn, Marchenko - Rich, Zborovsky/Kovalev Surgut residents, having completed, in fact, task for the season, decided to devote the remaining matches of the championship to playing for young people for the future. Vadim Ozhiganov did not come to Sosnovy Bor, Rajab Shahbanmirzaev, Nikita Alekseev, Dmitry Krasikov, which, rather Read more »

"Hitch" of the season

After losing to Zenit St. Petersburg in the qualifying round of the playoffs, Gazprom-Yugra faces the last test of the season - two rounds of games for 9-12 seats. The first round starts 12 April in Sosnovy Bor, The rivals of the Surgut team will be the local Dynamo-LO, Shakhtar Soligorsk and Nova Kuibyshevsk. Previously, in the national championship, a similar format was provided only for teams, fighting for survival within Read more »

Forty years of production victories!

12 April, We are celebrating a special anniversary - forty years of the Gas Condensate Stabilization Plant (GBR) named B. FROM. Chernomyrdin LLC Gazprom Pererabotka PJSC Gazprom. In the distant already 1984 On this day, on the basis of letter No. VD-158 of the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry, a new structural division of the Surguttransgaz production association appeared. And already in the next, 1985 year, Surgutsky Read more »

We are back in the sports elite!

Today in Khanty-Mansiysk a solemn ceremony was held to award the laureates of the district competition “Sports Elite-2023”. We are very pleased to inform you, that the Gazprom-Yugra volleyball club once again entered the top three teams in team sports in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug-Ugra. We shared success with the namesake mini-football club from Yugorsk and the water polo club "Ugra" from the capital of the district. Award on behalf of Surgut volleyball players Read more »

On a minor note

The game has been moved from 24 on 27 March, in connection with the tragic events in the Moscow region, three days was enough, so that the residents of Surgut will burn out in St. Petersburg. Literally nothing worked on the set, and resources, to change something during the meeting, there wasn't either

We are together

The Gazprom-Yugra volleyball club expresses its deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the horrific terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall., wishes a speedy recovery to the wounded. In these difficult days, under the blows of international terrorism, we all must unite and show the best human qualities, чтобы выстоять и вернуться к нормальной жизни. Правительство ХМАО-Югры делает все возможное для сохранения стабильной Read more »

Zenit is higher class

After a long break, Petar Krsmanovic appeared in the home team with a splint on his arm. He scored the first point for his team in attack, but the visitors took the initiative in the opening thanks to a block on Rajab, 2:5. Krsmanovic organizes a passing ball with a serve, who finishes off Rodichev, Rajab corrects his attack, carries the first tempo strike in defense, 6:6.

Climax of the season

Gazprom-Yugra is approaching the climax of the season, We are waiting for a series of two matches to reach the quarterfinals of the playoffs with St. Petersburg Zenit. The first game will take place 21 March at the Premier Arena, return meeting will take place 24 March in St. Petersburg. В случае равенства побед и очков после двух игр будет проведен «золотой» сет, который и определит, кто пойдет дальше. Турнирный расклад (we Read more »