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Different weight categories

Gazprom-Yugra is already inferior to Ural in the selection of players, and then four more volleyball players of the first team fell out of the clip. Can't be asserted, that with them the people of Surgut would have won, but a more equal game we would surely see. And so even Artem Khabibullin had to change into a game uniform, Pavel Akhaminov, who came out a couple of times as a substitute. Not bad in the opening Read more »

We start with Ufa

25 the championship of Russia in the Superleague Parimatch starts on September, Gazprom-Yugra will hold its first meeting the next day - at home, without spectators, against the Ufa "Ural". Coronavirus pandemic has made its own adjustments, and the upcoming tournament will not be held in the most usual way. In particular, league closed for two seasons from relegation, all teams will take tests regularly, a tournament favorite - Read more »

Victory over yourself

Although the protocol is listed 2:3, today Gazprom-Yugra won a strong-willed victory over itself - after all, it was with itself that the team fought on the site. The opponent earned a protocol advantage of two points honestly, although the judges tried hard, so that it is not so. anyway, everyone at the preliminary stage of the Cup of Russia solves his problems. Ours was - Read more »

First fifth

Gazprom-Yugra continues to pull the big volleyball by the mustache, trying to find your level of resistance to giants. The match with the champion and the owner turned out ambiguous, but in the current circumstances it is quite edible. In the first batch, the Surgut residents "on duty" were inferior - 11:14, 12:16, but the next microsegment was won with the score 4:1 largely due to the mistakes of the owners, especially Pavel Kruglov. Then in the fourth Read more »

Experiments continue

Gazprom-Yugra entered the game with Yenisei in a highly experimental lineup: Akhaminov-Shahbanmirzaev, Chereisky-Dovgan, Fialkovsky-Slobodyanyuk. Wide rotation led to fiasco in the first set: first, Slobodyanyuk swam on the powerful feeds of Skrimov, and then, by inertia, we stopped coping with Todor's very simple feeds. Account with 4:7 flew away to 4:13 and the fight ended there, 15:25. In the second Read more »

Well, Zaitsev, weather!

The second round of the preliminary stage of the Russian Cup was started by Gazprom-Yugra in Novosibirsk with a match against Kuzbass. On the eve of the Kemerovo team, they had a full-size five-set duel with the Yenisei and decided not to delay the meeting with the Surgutyans - the battlefield went to the site.: Kobzar-Zaitsev, Markin-Pakshin, Shcherbakov-Krsmanovich. In the first game, the Surgut residents practically did not show themselves in any way and lost, what is called, for all Read more »

From Krasnoyarsk with sadness

I, like many fans, became a victim of the early start of the match between Gazprom-Yugra and Yugra-Samotlor - did not see him live. And the record, knowing the result, did not revise. Everything is clear anyway. Samotlor has excellent reception figures (43%) higher, than our positive (39%). Actually, this can be done. Throughout the week in Krasnoyarsk Read more »

Fought with yourself

The realities are, that Gazprom-Yugra can play on equal terms with the second line-up of Kemerovo residents. With the first it can also - but not for long. In the first batch, residents of Surgut held out to the mark 5:5, after which they failed on the serves of Evgeny Sivozhelez - 5:12. Further a matter of technology, the opponent calmly finished with a step, while we were trying to run after, 21:25. I remember the exit Read more »

Optimistic defeat

In the second game in Krasnoyarsk, Gazprom-Yugra looked much more fun, than in the debut match with Lokomotiv. In the first set, Surgutyans were not much inferior to "Yenisei" – except that the Krasnoyarsk people managed to keep the reception more clearly and, respectively, look a little better offensively. The Gazprom team walked the entire set in the wake of the opponent and could well use it to their advantage Read more »

Getting involved

Gazprom-Yugra is traditionally hard to screw into the coming season. This time, coronavirus restrictions were imposed on the specifics of the preparation, sharply cut off the time of the training camp - and the team arrived in Krasnoyarsk under a serious load and practically without a sense of the ball. This immediately became noticeable in the debut of the match with Novosibirsk Lokomotiv. The champions of the country are also clearly not at the peak of readiness., but the people of Surgut are on Read more »