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They returned after the knockdown

"Gazprom-Ugra" (Surgut): Kirillov – Papazov, Shevlyakov - Golovanov/bloodless, Rodchev-Kostadinov, Vyshnevetsky

"Dynamo" (Moscow): Pankov - Sapozhkov, Beetle - Belogorstsev, Podlesnykh - Bogdan, Kerminen

After the mark 4:4 Papazov did not use the pre -playing chance and the boot came out to the feed. Two Ace Plus three blocks Kostadinov on high balls, Plus, the Doggrovka of Sapozhkov himself on Fribolla - 4:11. In fact, The party is made. Surgutians did not quit playing: The bloodless scored and closed the plow, Kostadinov issued the feed (9:14), but then he himself twice took the side of the opponent, Dynamo punishes - 11:18. In the endgpille, guests were mistaken a lot on the presentation, but, as they say, Could afford, Since the removal was held iron. Last word for Bogdan, 17:25.

At the beginning of the second set, Gazprom-Yugra mines a break-in advantage, Closing the attack of the subles, 4:2. Eys Papazova, 7:5. Beautiful Kirillov discount behind his head, 8:6. And then the failure on the simple planners of the beetle: Papazov does not fit into the line, Pankov stops Kostadinov as a single block, Another block is Papazov, 8:10. At all, It was extremely difficult for the owners to fight with Dynamo's block, The same element increases the separation of Muscovites, 10:14. Instead of Kostadinov, Masko appears on the site and immediately clogs. The Surgutians have a new attempt to get an opponent: Papazov this time accurate, Bogdan sends the pipe to out and after a protracted view of touching the grid, he also passes the Ace from the diagonal surgla, 15:17. The hosts cover the block, But Kerminen demonstrates the miracles of insurance and does not miss Yaroslav on the second attempt. Ace Podlesnye again increases the distance, 15:19, which is practically preserved to the end of the party. On the set of the opponent (20:24) Instead of Kirillov, he goes to graze the connecting Yukior Gordey Kachurov and, with excitement, does not calculate the trajectory of long gear behind the head, The ball goes beyond the game zone.

In the third batch, Dynamo continues to strangle the hosts with a block, 3:7. In a pursuit of comrades, Masko invites - he scores a heavy ball and one to one closes the attack of Sapozhkov along the line, 5:7. Kirillov stretches the mesh ball with one hand on Papazov, 9:11. Great vitaly presentation, The undergrowth risks and puts the hands of blocking, 10:11. And again the guests give no chance: Sapozhkov is convincing, especially if Kirillov grazes him, 10:13. Binder Gazprom-Sugrs is corrected by another discount behind the head, Pankov immediately "takes revenge" with his discharge, 12:15. The teams entered the "Removing Removing" mode and played it to the mark 21:23 After the Rodichev discount in the line past Sapozhkov's hands.

Golovanov comes out of the square and charges powerfully - the ball clings to the cable, how it brings confusion to the hosts. Having received a fribol, Kirillov activates Shevlyakov, 22:23. Another great presentation, Another fribol, This time, papazov required three attempts, to squeeze the ball from the block to out, 23:23. The attack of Bogdan is softened from the second zone and papazov carefully puts the ball in a roeer diagonal, 24:23. The Hall of Prime Minister Arena roars of the possibility of revenge, But it all ends quickly: Golovanov misses a little in the width of the site, Bogdan mines the Boil Ace match in the conflict zone between Gazprom-Yugra reinforcements, Papazov’s attack clings to the block and the boots decide, 24:26.

"Gazprom-Ugra" fought as best he could:

Dynamo head coach Moscow Konstantin Bryansk: Somewhere I had to strain, Somewhere I had to strain hard, How was it in the third set. At some point, I would say, mentally gave the initiative to the rival team, They began to succeed, They dragged in defense, They scored complex balls. Very good, that at the end they gathered and did what should. Three points are very important for us.

We tuned in to do our job, make it qualitatively in every episode. Not everything managed to work purely, I had to look for certain reserves somewhere, but the main, What happened to win. The third batch managed to pick up more aggression on the grid, sports anger. This is Ace Denis, and the last attack of Maxim Sapozhkov is, what, probably, Not enough before that.

– Some teams train certain models: only from a particular zone, Release, eg, Only through the center ...

- This is practiced there, where you can take a chance. Fortunately or unfortunately, We cannot afford to lose sets or train anything. We have already done quite a lot during the season of the misfires, Therefore, now we are working at the maximum concentration.

Diagonal "Dynamo" Maxim Sapozhkov: It was necessary to emotionally withstand, that's what we did. They did not make stupid mistakes and played a little more collected. I need to make a slightly more, because in the second batch did not work out a series on the presentation, vice versa, There were more mistakes. And so in general - normal.

– Today you smiled the whole match. This is specifically?

– Yes, Without positive, nowhere!

Senior Coach of Gazprom-Yugrs Alexey Rudakov: On the presentation of Sapozhkov, on a high ball we could not cope. As throughout the game - the allotted ball from the grid is very difficult for us to play with Dynamo, They have a good high organized block. This predetermined the difference. Speaking in parties, then in the second we ourselves were very mistaken. They did not serve much, hit out, And with Dynamo you have to play very cleanly, If we want to keep the difference. If we were a little closer in account, They would not take risks. And when there is a gap ... The guys have great skill, They serve well ... Honored masters play there, The prize -winners of the Olympiad. In the third batch we played very cleanly, Because of this, they went exactly. But, yet again, Trouble with high doigging balls. They are clogged with a very large percentage, And we cannot score on a high ball, They soften and play. That's the whole difference. Masko played well due to speed - he does not remove very highly, But very fast. "Dynamo", probably, was not ready for this. They play at other heights there, But he is well done, beat at the expense of speed.

Libero Gazprom-Sugrs Nikita Vishnevetsky: We tune in to any opponent. It doesn't matter to us, there will be Dynamo or Conditional ASK. We tune in to fight for each ball in every match. Today in the first batch they crushed us a little hand, but then we leveled the game and in the third party we were a little lucky, To extend the game.



Date Time Championship
02.03.2025 19:00 CR 2024-2025


Gazprom-Yugra (Surgut)1720240
Dynamo (Moscow)2525263


g. Surgut / SC "Premier Arena"

Gazprom-Yugra (Surgut)

1 2 3 4 5 S K E FACING B PTS

Dynamo (Moscow)

1 2 3 4 5 S K E FACING B PTS