There is a first victory!
"Gazprom-Ugra" (Surgut): Kirillov – Papazov, Kurbatov – Beskrovny, Masko – Skvortsov, Nagaets/Vishnevetsky
MSTU (Moscow): Khaibulov – Zubov, Troyan – Ganenko, Purine – Piskarev, Dragunov/Ishakov
The first match of the Russian Championship turned out to be very tense, despite the home team's shutout victory. In the first set, the Surgut team’s own mistakes did not allow them to make a headway in the score. Moreover, Papazov's attack to block and Skvortsov's attack determined some superiority of MSTU by the middle of the set, 13:15. It was possible to catch up only on Papazov’s serve – Purin took the side of the Surgut team, the ball fell into contact with the line, 23:23. Purin corrected himself and brought the first set point to MSTU, Piskarev - second, but Skvortsov and Masko were not allowed further. In a chaotic rally, Kirillov took the initiative and scored with his second touch, 26:25. The hosts' first set point was converted on a high ball by Masko, after the team fought off Purin's attack from the second zone, 27:25.
The second set followed a similar scenario, but with variations: Skvortsov doesn’t take risks twice on awkward passes, and the hosts give the break advantage, 7:9. Papazov compares on a passing ball, 11:11, but another ineffective discount from Skvortsov and Zubov’s answer - 13:15. Then Skvortsov seems to score, but the Muscovites “rip” the ball off the floor and win a long rally, and viewing the episode to see if the ball touches the court remains beyond technical capabilities, 13:16.
Papazov just can’t swing, attempts to close the distance through it do not lead to success, 17:20. Kirillov decides again: throws with both hands and throws two excellent serves, free ball through Papazova, and Piskareva covers the block on an awkward pass, 20:20. Next Kirillov is good in defense, but Kurbatov does not have time to change his role to setter, 20:21.
Piskarev sends the passing ball into touch, Artem Masko makes an ace at the right moment, 22:21. Another excellent serve and on a downed return and the same pass, Piskarev lands the ball on the block, 23:21. Exchange of footage, MSTU timeout, in which one of the visiting coaches literally attacks one of the players, after which Zubov plays a block-out on the thin one, 24:23. Now it’s time out for Gazprom-Yugra, after which Kirillov and Papazov bring to life not the simplest ball - the diagonal shot into the line is accurate, 25:23.
In the third set, the Surgut team retains Alexey Rodichev, who came out at the end of the previous game instead of Ivan Skvortsov.. And the game drawing is like this: the hosts are ahead - the guests are catching up. Kurbatov is great at the start: two attacks, single block vis-a-vis Ganenko and ace – 5:3. Twice good in the fourth zone Rodichev, another Kirillov discount – 8:4. It would seem - push it! But Ganenko marks with an ace, Papazov and Rodichev get stuck in the block, 8:8. At MSTU, by the way, at this time, Kazbanov appears instead of Khaibulov.
All over again: two blocks for Purina in deuce plus Masko’s follow-up after that, how Papazov drags Zubov’s attack in defense, 12:8. And again “return”: in a formation with the setter leaving the first zone, the Surgut team gives three plays, Masko and Papazov cannot realize themselves at the edges of the net, 14:13.
The hosts literally squeeze out an important break with Masko’s unwavering hand after saving them from another threat from Zubov, 19:17. Zubov and Masko exchange attacks, Kirillov again connects Kurbatov to pick up, Skvortsov makes mistakes and corrects himself, and the MSTU rental does not work due to the lack of supply from the owners: Kirillov, Masko and Ivanov, who came from the square, cannot cope, 23:22. Here and Piskarev, the risk, serves out – two match points for the hosts. Maxim Tereshin's time-out doesn't help: Zubov's attack was softened, and Papazov’s answer is no, 25:22.
Overall, the Surgut team won, because they found the resources to minimize marriage in the end, not doing push-ups as a game. Probably, this is called skill and Super League. MSTU played well, gambling match, but it’s not yet possible to endure and realize your chances.
Senior trainer MSTU (Moscow) Maxim Tereshin:
It was a hard fight, we were missing some points, your stupid mistakes, especially in the second game. For two or three series we had three mistakes in a row. Sure, This is unacceptable in such matches. Surgut played cleaner, than we are, that's why this is the result. I will also note the failure of players to comply with settings: we talk about one thing - they do something completely different. Played, fought, but I think, that you can't play like that. With so many defects it is very difficult to count on victory. We didn't play very well at the reception, plus at certain moments they passed the ball to the wrong direction, where to go. We have one weak link there, which we can't patch up. Opponents take advantage of this very well.
Senior coach of VC "Gazprom-Ugra" (Surgut) Alexey Rudakov:
Nerves dominated today's game, the game was far from perfect - a lot of unforced errors, many moments... We had many moments, when you could calmly leave in the middle of a game and keep your opponent at a distance. But we made our unforced errors and played out to nervous endings. We ask the players, Maxim, show emotions. When we play emotionally, our game is better.
Cup games with MSTU helped us - we gained food for thought, conducted an analysis, today we reproduced this in the game. I don't want to give away the details, we still have to play and play. Volleyball is all about nuances, everybody knows, how to throw the ball and where it will fly, but there are nuances, who turn the situation in one direction or the other.
Diagonal VC "Gazprom-Yugra" (Surgut) Vitaly Papazov:
Excitement also took its toll, and fatigue. We played with MSTU literally three days ago, I, perhaps, I haven't recovered one hundred percent yet. Today was a bit hard, but he helped the team as much as he could. The most important thing is the result, he is. The boys showed character, all these endings, all these “ball to ball” situations... Could, of course, make more comfortable conditions for yourself, but due to their young age and the “nervousness” of the first match, they made a lot of mistakes. But “you can’t hide a boy behind wide pants”, we showed character, hence the result. MSTU played freely today, they were better at hooking us. The last match felt easier. As for us, then we, too, are always changing - there is no standing position, only up or down. We're aiming upward, can't stop. We won't. Look into those eyes, they have no fear (laughs - ed.).