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Happy anniversary, Yuri Ivanovich!

Today Yuri Ivanovich Vazhenin celebrates his anniversary, 70 years old. There is no need to explain to the residents of Surgut and Ugra, who is Vazhenin, for the rest in brief: General Director of LLC "Surgutgazprom" (1994-2007), General Director of Gazprom Pererabotka LLC (2007-2016), Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2016-2021). One of the “fathers” of Surgut and the Gazprom-Yugra volleyball club, long-time club president, human, by definition of the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Natalia Komarova, "no negative rating".

That's the way it is: Almost everyone in Surgut treats Yuri Ivanovich with great respect, which in itself is surprising for a person of this caliber. At the same time, Vazhenin was never a conformist, knew how to set goals and achieve them, mobilize people literally for a labor feat. The history of the formation of the Surgut gas condensate stabilization plant is a witness to this. His work allowed Surgutgazprom to be among the best in the industry for many years. Heading Gazprom Pererabotka, Vazhenin has seriously invested in the development of the gas industry throughout the country.

As for volleyball, then Yuri Ivanovich was always his devoted admirer, since my student days in Riga, when I was rooting for the local “Radiotechnik” in the USSR championship. Well versed in the intricacies of the game, he supported Gazprom-Yugra without hesitation, then still “Gazovik-ZSK” and “ZSK-Gazprom”, at the stage of team formation and for many years remained the support and ideological inspirer of the club.

Happy anniversary, dear Yuri Ivanovich! We will always be close, We always remember your invaluable contribution, always grateful for your support. Be healthy and happy!